
Third time for me

Get any easier the 3rd time? I was looking forward to my 2nd time because I was interested to see the difference a year made. Though I did much better the 2nd time, it was still a pretty sobering experience and I got bogged down way more than I expected to.
Bench Press

For time:
50 Pushups
300m row
30 heavy KB swings
300m row
50 pushups
300m row
30 kb swings
300m row

-having to do 100 pushups after bench press is just mean....
Good one.

Every 90 sec for 15 min, progressive weight
1 power Clean + 1 front squat

Back squat
Every 2 min
Max reps @ 85%

3 rounds
6 snatch Grip Romanian deadlifts
8 elevated front split squat (4 inches)

3 rounds
20 KB swings 32kg
10 box jumps 30 inches
Rest 2 min
500m row
50 burpees
Good workout today

Wendler week 3 bench press

Max effort burpees in 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds and repeat. On the second round everyone need to get 1 more than the first round, if anyone does not then repeat until everyone does. He didn't tell us that until after the first round so no sandbagging.

For time:
75 double unders
400m run
50 pull ups
200m run
25 burpees
200m run
25 burpees
200m run
50 pull ups
400m run
75 double unders
Wendler week 3 deadlif

Work 1min rest 1min
Max cal row
Max distance hand stand walk
Max hollow rocks
Max back hyperextensions
Max cal schwinn air dyne
Max hammer swings
Max # 25m sprints
Max abmat situps
Max bar muscle ups
Max high pull sumo deadlift 50# kettle bell
6 min EMOM
Thruster, work up to 1 rep max over the 6 min

6min EMOM
Squat clean work up to 1 rep max over 6 min

3 rounds for time
7 thrusters #115
7 over the bar burpees
50 double unders
Push press
3-3-3 work up to heavy set

Push Jerk
2-2-2 work up to heavy set, first set should be heavier than the last push press

Split Jerk
1-1-1 work up to heavy set, first set should be heavier than the last push jerk

4 min AMRAP
20 wall ball 20#
Row 10 cal

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP
5 push press 135#
5 front squats 135#

2 min rest

4 min AMRAP
10 hand stand push ups
20 abmat sit ups
Ass kicker today

30min Amrap
Hill sprint

rest 2 min after every round

The hill we ran up was steep and 158 yards long. Had to sprint up the hill and then back down to your kettle bell.
Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1, start at 70% of 1 rep max

3 rounds

Row for calories
Power snatch 75#
Thrusters 75#
Strict pull up

Work 1min at each exercise, no rest between

1 minute rest between each round
Was out for 10 days with a compressed lumbar disc issue. Did a couple of limited workouts last week. Jumped back in full throttle today and felt pretty good.

Every 2 min for 16 min

1+1 clean with 10 sec rest between each rep. Progressive weight

Backsquat EMOM
Every 2 min

3 rounds for time
800m row
100 double unders
10 thrusters 175/135 (yeah, right....)
Skill: work on rowing technique

Partner WOD

2500m row (switch every 250)
200 double unders
150 wall balls 20#
100 pull ups
50 burpee box jumps

On row, double unders, wall ball, pull ups, 1 works at a time
Burpee box jumps both can go at once
Strict press, start at 60% of 1 rep max

Tabata style, 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes each exercise, one minute rest between each exercise,

Hang snatch 75#
Lunges, front or back, 75#
Toes to bar
Abmat sit ups

Score is lowest number of reps at each exercise.
10 min EMOM
1 hang clean
1 hang squat clean

Increase weight each round for a heavy last set

3 rounds for time
30 box jumps
15 squat clean thrusters 115#
Bench press

10 Deadlift 315/225
20 Chest to Bar
30 Wallballs
8 Deadlift
16 c2b
6 Deadlift
12 C2B
20 wb
4 Deadlift
8 C2B
15 wb
2 deadlift
4 C2B
10 WB
Squat 5 sets of three Start around 60% of 1 rep max

Buy in 30 cal on schwinn airdyne

Back hyperextensions
Deadlift 205#
Push ups
Pull ups

Cash out 30 cal on Schwinn airdyne
Push Press 5 sets of three, start at 70% of 1 rep max

10 min AMRAP
5 KB thrusters 55#
5 Burpees
5 abmat situps
5 KB swings 55#