
Did this one for the 2nd time yesterday in the 105 degree heat. This may very well be my favorite WOD:

Muscular Endurance
6 Way Barbell Complex, done continuously without setting the bar down:
2x thru
6 Snatches
6 OH Squat
6 Backsquat
6 Good mornings
6 Bent over rows
6 Deadlift

75#, rest 2-3 minutes, repeat @ 95#

6 Barbell Lunges with 40% Backsquat 1RM
6 10 inch Box step-ups with 2x 30# dumbbells
6 Split Jumps
Rest 2 min

Pullup/Ring Dip circuit:
10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4, 6/5, 5/6, 4/7, 3/8, 2/9, 1/10

Cool down
5@60% 5@65% 5@70% 5@75%
Front squat
5@60% 5@65% 5@70% 5@75%

For time:
75 KB Swings 24kg
30 Thrusters 95#
50 KB swings
15 Thrusters

Bench press 5 sets of 3
Start with 70% of 1 rep max

4 Rounds for time:
6 burpees
20 abmat situps
8 hang cleans 135#
20 pushups
15 air squats
3 round for time
800m run
20 deadlift 225#
40 double unders
20 toes 2 bar
40 double unders

It was 100 degrees out. That sucked.
Little different format today. All lifting, mainly work on form on various lifts. Can go heavy but if form starts to break down at all lower weight.

3 rounds
5 front squat
5 strict press with feet in a clean and jerk catch postion
5 clean and jerk

High hang clean 2-2-2-2-2
Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Pause squat 3s 3-3-3-3-3
Bench Press:

For time:
400m Run
7 Power Snatch 115#
7 Overhead Squat
25 Lateral Over the bar Burpees
7 Power Snatch
25 OTB Burpees
7 Power Snatch
400m Run
EMOM for 10 min
Jerk X2 @ 70%

Every 3 min for 15 min
10 calorie row
4 power clean 70%
4 Front squat
4 Shoulder to overhead

every 2 minutes for 10 sets

8 min amrap
8 handstand pushups
8 Burpees
EMOM, capped at 20 min

Wall balls 20#
Pull ups
Abmat Sit ups


This was a good one. Everyone starts at 5 reps on each exercise, you have one minute to complete. When you are done you can rest until the start of minute 2, then 3, then 4 etc. If you don't complete 5 reps on everything then the next round you drop to 4 reps on every exercise. If you can't complete 4 reps on every exercise in a minute then the next round you drop to 3 reps on every exercise. If you can't complete 3 reps on every exercise in the minute then you are done.

I did 8 rounds of 5 and 12 rounds of 4.
150 8-count body builders
150 burpees
14 flights up and then back to the bottom. I had a blowout at the bottom. 25# plates. This session sucked.
Back to the gym. I'll be sore tomorrow.

Wendler week 3 back squats

12 deadlift 155#
9 hang clean 155#
6 push/split jerk 155#

5 rounds
Wendler Week 3 bench press

10min EMOM Squat snatch

3 min AMRAP
3 snatch 135#
9 wall ball 20#

3 min rest

3 min AMRAP
3 thrusters 135#
9 burpees
Did this one on Sunday. A lot of volume, but I hit new PRs on Front squats and C&J during the process. Took the next 2 days off as I was beat up pretty good.

A. Front Squat
Every Minute on the Minute
Rest 1 Min

Every 2 minutes:

B. 20 Minutes to work up to new 1 Rep Max or Heavy single: Clean and Jerk

C. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes:
5@75% of 1RM
(absolutely grueling -short recovery time and quads are smoked)

D. 2 Rounds for time:
1500m Row
30 Chest to Bar pullups
Wendler Week 3 Deadlift

For Time

Run 1mile
70 double unders
60 Kettle bell swings 35#
50 Burpees
40 High Sumo Pull Deadlift, 35# KB
30 pull ups
20 Handstand Push ups
10 Muscle ups, bar or rings
5 rounds, rest 2 min between each round

12 snatch @95#
14 OH squat @ 95#
16 over box jumps
18 wall ball @ 20#

That sucked.
Wendler week 1 squat, add 10lb to 1 rep max for workout numbers

5 rounds for time
10 toes 2 bar
12 thrusters 95#
14 KB swings 53#