
Wendler week 3 shoulder press

800m run
21 thrusters 95#
21 toes 2 bar

2min rest

400m run
15 thrusters 115#
15 toes 2 bar

2min rest

200m run
9 thrusters 135#
9 toes 2 bar
Sunday Beatdown

This was a good one -very tough on the legs and core. The burpee part was a real grind and went unexpectedly slow.

Backsquat every 2 min

Every 2 min for 6 min
Back squat 10@75%

3 rounds
7 Deadlift 345/225
7 Muscle Ups

Rest 3 min

3 Rounds
20 Wallballs
15 Toes To Bar

Rest 3 min

30 Dumbbell over the Box Burpees 55/35 lbs/ 20 inch box
Fight Gone Bad Tabata style (work 20s rest 10 for 4 mins)

High pull sumo deadlift 75#
Wall Ball 20#
Push Press 75#
Box Jumps
Row max calories

That sucked
Skill was abs

2 rounds
35 hollow rock
30 russian twists 20#
25 abmat sit ups
20 superman

20min AMRAP

6 Deadlift 225#
7 Burpee pull ups
10 KBS 70#
200m run
Front squat
2@60% 2@70% 2@80% 3x3@90%

5 rounds for time:
5 clean 155/105
10 box jumps 24/20
15 burpees
90 sec rest

I'll attribute it to lack of heat acclimatization (pretty hot this afternoon), because that didn't look hard, but that totally kicked my ass -as in I thought I was gonna die...
10 min EMOM
even knees to elbow
odd hand release push ups

10 min EMOM
even lunges (Both legs count as one rep)
odd wall ball 20#

10 min EMOM
even row calories
odd burpees

No rest between workouts, immediately move to next EMOM

RX+ 20
RX 16
L3 14
L2 12
L1 10

Need to maintain the number count throughout for both exercises to score that level. Exp: Row and Burpees to be RX you need to complete 16 reps of each every minute for the entire 10 minutes. If you only get 15 once then you score level 3.
The Sunday Beatdown. Pretty brutal and then I had 3-4 hours of yard work to do.
Wendler week 1 bench +10 to max

3 rounds for time
9 shoulder to overhead 155#
12 KBS 53#
15 wall ball 20#
18 abmat sit ups
EMO 2min for 16 minutes

Clean and Jerk, work to a heavy last set

3 rounds for time
20 box jumps
20 chest to bar pull ups
20 wall ball 20#
Front Squat

12 min EMOM
4 Push Press 115/75
6 PullUps
10 KB Swings (heavy)

Note: If you fail to complete a round during 1 min, finish and then rest the remaining minute.
Every 2 min for 12 min:

3 Bench press at 70-80% (increase ok) + 2 explosive pushups

3 rounds:
400m run
30 KB Snatches (15L, 15R)
Wendler week 1 shoulder press

3 rounds, rest 2 min after each round

15 lateral bar burpees, must jump over barn no stepping
12 deadlift 155#
9 hang clean
6 shoulder to overhead

Cash out 3 rounds
30 hollow rock
45 bicycle
1min plank hold
Saturday morning WOD (hungover and steamy hot and 100% humidity):

20 min AMRAP
Bear Complex (power clean+front squat+push press+back squat+push press).

*10 burpee penalty for every time you set the bar down.
Sunday Beatdown

3 rounds
4 Muscle Ups
8 Handstand Push-ups
12 Chest To Bar
16 alt pistols
40 double unders

Rest 2 min

15 min to work up to 1 RM. split jerk

Every 2 min for 12 min
Bench Press x3 reps (heavy)

10 min AMRAP
50 double unders
25 Dumbbell Pushpress 55#
25 ring dips

Shoulders wise, that was ridiculous.
Yesterday Week 2 wendler squat, add 10lbs

1000m row
80 double unders
60 wall ball 20#
40 hanging snatch 45#
20 pull ups
10 burpees
5 cal row
run in place to the song, every time they say "Roxanne" do a burpee

Wendler week 2 bench press add ten pounds


Double unders
Sit ups

Cash out 2 rounds
Max effort pushups
Max effore L sit
20 back hyperexentions