
5 rounds
5 power cleans @ 165
10 box jumps
15 burpees
20 double unders

Gym owners son "Jax" 2nd birthday today, this is his B-day Wod
Clean & Jerk
2+1 at 60%
2+1 x2 at 65%
2+1 x3 at 70%

3 min AMRAP
3 Clean and Jerks 225/155 (Stupid heavy -almost everyone had to scale significantly)
6 Pullups

Rest 3 Min

3 Clean and Jerks 205/135
6 Pullups

Rest 3 Min

3 clean and Jerks 185/115
6 Pullups

Despite the over prescribed weight, was a real lung burner and especially challenging switching gears from ultra heavy weight to all out butterfly pullups. I got 9 rounds + 7 reps total.
Work to heavy power clean. I got to 205#.

Then 20 min capped workout.

115# power clean. 10reps, 9 reps, 8reps... All the way to single.

In between each set of power cleans, 4 lunges with the power clean weight plus one rope climb.

I finished in 16:40.

End with 3x10 reverse hyper extensions and stretch.
Superbowl Sunday WOD

Front squat + Jerk
Min 1 245/155
Min 2 255/165
Min 3 265/175
Min 4 275/185....

Until Failure. Caped at 10 min

25 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
5 Muscle Ups
20 Shoulder to OH
4 Muscle Ups
15 Shoulder to OH
3 MU
10 Shoulder to OH
2 MU
5 Shoulder to OH
1 MU

Every 2 min for 14 min

6 reps at 70%
4 reps at 80%
2 reps at 85%
1 rep at 95%
2 reps at 85%
4 Reps at 80%
6 reps at 70%

5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Airsquats
5X2 @ 75%

For time:
15 Power Snatches 95/65
30 Lateral jumps over the bar
9 Toes to Bar
12 Power Snatches 105/75
30 Lateral jumps
12 Toes to Bar
9 Power Snatches 115/85
30 Lateral Jumps
15 Toes to Bar
Wendler Week 1 squat. Add 20lbs to 1 rep max for workout

10 min EMOM
2 squat clean
1 thruster

Pick your weights. I did 95, 115, 115, 135,135, 155,155, 185,185,205

100 abmat situps for time
on each minute do 7 burpees
Wendler week 1 bench press, add 20 lbs to 1 rep max

15 minute AMRAP
3 chest to bar pull ups
4 hand stand push ups
5 wall balls 20#
6 foot broad jump x3
5x4 at 75%

5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
3 Power Cleans 185/135
6 Front Squats 185/135
9 Burpees
rest 3 min

-very tough one.
8 min EMOM
Power snatch

3 minutes each station
Row max cal
One arm KBS
High sumo pull deadlift 95#
Hands up pushups
1 min break between
Snatch: 3x60% 3x65% 2x70% 2x75% 4x2@80%
Snatch pull: 4x3 @ 100%

5 Rounds for Time:
5 power cleans 195/135
10 walking lunges (front rack) 195/135
15 over the bar burpees
Wendler week 1 Deadlift

50 Double unders
50 wall balls 20#
40 Double unders
40 Box Jumps
30 Double unders
30 Push Press 95#
20 Double unders
20 Over the bar burpees
10 Double unders
10 Bar Muscle ups
In teams of 2

800m Run with 20 lbs Medicine ball
150 situps throwing medicine ball back and forth
150 Wall Balls
800m run with ball
Clean & Jerk
3+1 @ 60%
3+1 @65%
2+1 @70%
2+1 @75% x3

Clean Pull
3x4 @ 100%

3 Rounds for Time
10 Front Squat 175/125
15 Lateral Box Jumps (20 inches)
15 Chest to Bar
Yesterday, Wendler week 2 bench press

3 rounds for time
6 Hang snatch 95#
12 Plate burpees 25#
18 Dumb bell rows 50#

Cash out 4 rounds
10 abmat sit ups
10 hollow rocks
10 heel touches
2@65% 2@70%X2 1@75% 1@80% 1@85% 1@90% 1@Heavy

Clean & Jerk
2+1@65% 2+1@70%X2 1@75% 1@80% 1@85% 1@90% 1@ heavy

Power Clean 135/95
Ring Dips
Wendler Week 2 Squat add 20 lbs to max for workout

18 min EMOM
10 front rack lunge 95#
10 Hang clean to overhead 95#
10 box jumps