

min 0 - 3
2 rounds:
10 OH Squat 95#
10 Chest to Bar

min 3 - 6
2 rounds
12 OH Squat
12 Chest to Bar

min 6-9
2 rounds
14 OH Squat
14 Chest to Bar

etc until you run out of time.

Done this one before and made it well into the 3rd round, but couldn't seem to get in the grove of my pullups tonight and came up 2 reps short of finishing round two within the time frame.
Sunday Wod -another Gym Jones one. Absolutely and unequivocally BRUTAL and PUNISHING.

10 minute Row @ Easy Pace

BB Complex:
6x Deadlift +
6x Bent Row +
6x Clean +
6x Front Squat
6x Push Press +
6x Back Squat
Start @ 75#
Go up by 10# Each Set
Every 20# increase drop a rep

100x Ring Plank Pull (Feet parallel to hands)
(Penalty for dropping off rings is 10x Burpee/Pull-up)

100x Wall Ball @ 20#
Every time you stop must do 60m Heavy Sled Push

100x KB Swing @ 53#
Every time you stop must do 60m Heavy Hex Bar Carry

"Cool Down" with 2000m Rowing race
I'm finally going to get back to the gym today!!! I've worked out 2 times in the last two weeks. My children are trying to kill me off one respiratory virus at a time.

8 mins
Double unders
3 Burpees every minute

Row max calories
Goblet squat 53#
Double unders
Toes 2 Bar

Cash out 3 rounds
20 hollow rock
10 russian twists (each side)
5 V ups
Last edited:
1@60% 1@65% 1@70% 1@80% 3@85%
Snatch Pull 3@95% 2@100% 1@105%

EMOM for 5 Min
2 Strict Press @ 85%

Rest 2 min

3 Muscle Ups
6 Rings Dips
12 KB Swings 53 lbs
snatch 90kg 2x2, 95kg 2x2, 100kg 2x2
pulls 120kg 5x3
back squat 192kg 3x5

tabata row 1 min rest tabata burpees

fire station tomorrow then a week off for spring break. rest is needed its been 4 months
3x8 squats with dumb bell shoulder press at the top

3x8 lunges with hammer curl at down motion

3x8 wall sit with alternating front dumbell raises

3x8 lunges with Lateral raise at top

3x8 Russian twists

60 burpees

60 jump n jacks

Did this as a circuit
Good one today. Very applicable for mountain hunting.

"Flash" 2 rounds for time
25 wall ball 20#
400m run
25 burpees
400m run
7 manmakers 30#
400m run
25 wall balls 20#
400m run

Namesaked for a lady at our gym, mother of 5 youngest being 4mos old. Recenlty found multiple precancerous/early stage breast cancer and having a double mastectomy this week.
10 min EMOM
Even: max effort wall walks
Odd: max effort consecutive double unders

8 Rounds for time
10 dumbbell deadlift 60lb DB's
200m run
Clean & Jerk
1+1 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 3+3 @ 80%
Clean Pull
3@ 80% 3 @ 90% 3 @ 100%

100 Burpees for time + 1 C&J @ 60% EMOM
Did my circuit above , i will do HIT training tomorrow , run up hill walk down , repeat around our archery course , then shoot a shit ton of arrows
Power Snatch: 1@60% 1@65% 1@70% 3x1@75% 3x3@70%
Power Clean & Jerk: 1+1@60% 1+1@65% 1+1@70% 3+1@75% 3+3X3@70%

Hang Clean 155/105
Ring Dips

Rest 3 min

20 wallballs 20/14
15 Chest to Bar

Cool down: 300m row for time
300m easy pace row
When was the last time you looked at a WOD and didn't think that? Daily occurrence with me!

I wouldn't go that far -some of them actually look "interesting" (as in "I'm interested to see how I do on that one"), directly applicable to hunting (and I think, "I should really dig in on this one) or, sometimes, its one that I know I should do "well" on so I'm a bit charged up to perform well.

But, 15.3.... I'm not very good at muscle ups. I have no excuse not to be good at them as I have the strength, I can kip and do butterflies pretty well, plus, I used to be a rock climber so I feel like I should be rather masterful at them, but I'm just not (I'm also not good about "skill work" -I seldom "practice movements, I just keep throwing myself at them in the WODs until I get them, which isn't the best way, but it is what it is and this one will be no exception).

WallBalls: Hate em'. They are a great exercise and pretty applicable to hunting. I'm trying to get over hating them, but I did a WOD on Sunday that had 100 of them and a WOD last night that had 60 of them. Now, I have to do at least another 50, maybe more tonight? Ugh. I used to hate burpees, too and I finally just gave up and and accepted te fact that I'd be doing thousands of them a year, so I'm trying to get there mentally with WallBalls.

Doubleunders: Not my forte. I'm ok at them, but doing 100 means I'm going to whip myself at least 3 or 4 times. The good news is, the more winded I get, the less I can think about them and the more consistent I get at them. -mostly a mental block because I tried to do them for months with a cable that was too short and really struggled with them. The most frustrating part about DUs is that its all about timing. Being a drummer, I feel like my timing is superb, so why did I struggle so long with DUs? Turns out, my cable length is a full 5-6 inches longer than the recommended length for my height. Those months spent struggling at doing them with a cable that was too short left a bad taste in my mouth for DUs. On the plus side, they do make your calves tough as nails.

So its the perfect storm of movements that I either kind of suck at, hate, or have a certain degree of mental block about. Regardless, I'm just going to show up and make the best of it. -wish I hadn't looked it up, though.