
Wendler week 2 deadlift add 20lbs to max for workout

3 rounds for time
3-6-9-12 (1 round)
Front squat 95#
Pull ups
Rest 2 min after each round

This was deceivingly hard.
10 @ 65%
6 @ 75%
8 @ 80%
6 @ 85%
4 @ 95%

12min AMRAP
5 Power Snatch 135/95
10 Toes 2 Bar
15 Box Jump overs 24/20

Rest 8 Min

6 min AMRAP
10 shoulder to Overhead 135/95
10 backsquat 135/95 (same bar)
10 Over the bar burpees
Wendler week 3 squat, add 20# to max to get workout


Run 1m=1m
Row 250m=200m
Double unders 50=200m

Can use any combination to get to 5000 or beyond if you didn't just run.

I rowed the whole thing, 6250m
Ran 3 trail miles yesterday. Felt okay afterwards and being inspired by this thread tried:
Mountain climbs
Double squat jumps

I almost puked.

I'm committed. I'll need to start slow. ****. I'm a long ways from kickass.
Partner WOD
20 min Amrap

100 Wall ball 20#
100 double unders
80 box jumps
80 toes 2 bar
60 Chest 2 bar pullup
60 Burpees
40 Power Cleans @ 145#
40 Push Jerk @ 145#
20 Snatch @ 145#
20 Muscle ups

Both partners work at same time, can spilt up however you wish. You can't move to next exercise until total reps are complete for each one. Quit at 20 min.

No one got through it. Partner and I got to Snatch but didn't do any.
Wendler week 3 deadlift, add 10lbs to max to get workout

Ascending EMOM AMRAP
Headcutter 53# kettle bell (clean, squat, thruster)
1 burpee

Do Headcutters progressive every minute, burpee remains at one.

I hate these progressive, add a rep every minute, Wod's and am not good at them.
Sweet, didn't realize there was an active thread on this! Here was today for me.

Strength: build up to a heavy back squat doing one with a 3 second pause at the bottom of the squat, and one regular. (Quite a bit more difficult incorporating the pause, it was quite a bit less than my one rep max)

WOD was well designed today... 20 min AMRAP of the following:

1st minute: 30 seconds of max calorie row
2nd minute: 30 seconds max reps pendlay row 115#
3rd minute: 30 seconds toes to bar
4th minute: 30 seconds max front squat at 115# (same bar as pendlay row)

All for total reps at each station. Was an excellent WOD.
Sunday WOD

6 Way Barbell Complex/ 65 lbs
6 Snatches, 6 Overhead Squat, 6 Backsquat, 6 Good Mornings, 6 Rows, 6 Deadlifts

Overhead Squat
3@65% 2@75% 2@85% 1@95%

50 Calorie Row
50 Over the Box Jumps
50 Deadlifts 180/125
50 Wallballs
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Balls
50 Deadlifts
50 Box Jumps
50 Calorie Row
Finally got back to the gym after a week hiatus. Kids once again brought home some sort of plague that nearly killed me.

Skill, work on any movement exercise of choice. I worked on bar muscle ups and handstands/handstand walks.


Max calorie row
KB swings 53#
Double unders

30 second break between stations
Tonight was 5 x 3 strict weighted chin-ups for strength.

Then the WOD was 1000m row buy in, then 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 25 box jumps/step ups 24"

Rather light night in preparation for 15.1

9 minute AMRAP
15 toes 2 bar
10 deadlift at 115#
5 snatch at 115#

6 min to get a 1 rep max clean and jerk (time continues on from the AMRAP)

2@70% 2@75% 2x2@85%

9-7-5 for Time
Deadlifts @ 75% and Burpees

Rest 3 min

6 rounds for meters
30 sec row
90 sec rest
Working in calisthenics. My body hurts like a got pounded by an ape. I'm walking funny.
Our last work out was 5 sets of max strict pull-ups for strength

WOD for time

25 front squats 95#
25 burpees
25 front squats
25 burpees
25 front squats