
Back squat 5x3 at 80%
Good mornings 3x5
Shoulder press 3x8 at 70%

EMOM for 5 minutes
5 power cleans 185/125
10 chest to bar
Rest 3 min
50 box step ups/ front rack position 115/75
10 min EMOM
3 power snatch pick weight

3 rounds
10 front squat #135
40 double unders

Row 500m x 3 with 2 min rest between each round
Wendler week three bench press

3 rounds count total reps
1min max effort burpees
1min max effeort dumb bell snatch
1min max effort box jumps
30s rest
12 min EMOM
3 Clean and Jerk 75% of 1 rep max
(this was a bitch)

10 min AMRAP
4 hands up push ups
8 KBS 70#
2 abmat situps
Power Clean
3x70% 3x75% 3x80% attempt 3 rep max

20 alternating pistols
15 Ring dips

rest 3 Min

10 Pullups
20 Pushups


The 2 rounds for time there at the end was kind of interesting. 3 minutes was enough to recover to a state where I was expecting to go balls out and knock out 2 rounds in about a minute. However, after 45 rings dips, my shoulders were absolutely shot. On the second set of push ups, I ended up doing them 2 at a time after the first 5. -shoulder are definitely feeling that one today.
Had a quick second to run to the gym before work

1 Mi. Run for time. 5:42.22
3x10 front squats 135
2x15 weighted lunges 50lbs
2x10 goblet squats 20kg
3x25 diamond push-ups
1x15 balance squats no weight.

Edit: forgot my daily dog walk. 3mi. 60lb pack load
Heavy on the strength, super short MetCon.

3@65% 3@70% 2@80% 1@85% 1@90% 1@Heavy/1RM

Clean + Jerk
3+1@65% 3+1@70% 2+1@80% 1+1@85% 1+1@90% 1@heavy/1RM

10 Push Press 95/65
20 Walking Lunges 95/65

I did it in 4:35. Best men's time at my box was 2:51. Best women's was 3:40
Yesterday Wendler week 3 deadlift

7 min Amrap
10 toes 2 bar
3 strict pullups
20 double unders

2 min rest

7 min amrap
10 lunges 53#
3 headcutters 53#
20 double unders

cash out 3 sets
25 abmat situps
10 back hyperextensions
The owner/coach program. He does all of the programming for us. Is that what you mean?

He believes in a well rounded program that never ignores cardio training. We are doing this Wendler cycle right now for something new. He commented the other day that he didn't think we would do it again as it takes up too much time and doesn't allow for long enough Wod's, and doesn't want the cario side to suffer.

The programming over the last year usually was progressively longer Wod's every day to thursday then backed off a little on Friday. Usually a good mix of short met con, moderate met con with heavier weights and endurance workouts with light or heavier weights. Tries to get a hero or equivilent wod in at least every two weeks.
Yesterday was a partner WOD
Row 1600m switch every 200
100 double unders
90 air squats
80 KBS
70 pull ups
60 sit ups
50 burpees
Run 1 mile (both run the mile)
50 burpees

4 minute wall sit, when someone hits the floor clock stops and 2 burpees. Clock starts again when everyone back on the wall.

10m sprint
every minute add an additional sprint until you can not complete them in a minute

Cash out 3 rounds
20 v ups
20 hollow rocks
20 russian twists with 20#
Three mile trail run. My best time yet! Finally climbed on a scale out of curiosity. I'm
About to drop a weight class!

Oh last week WOD. Desert mountain bow hunting. Long days climbing to glassing spots. Didn't eat much. Nothing like physical suffering to get mind and body in shape.
Power clean EMOM 5x2 at 70%
Push press EMOM 5x2 at 60% of split jerk max

4 rounds for time
15 burpees
20 KB swings 24 kg
10 burpees
15 push press 95/65
5 burpees

If you're not keeping tabs, that's a 120 burpee workout....
Filthy Fifty
50 box jumps
50 jumping pull ups
50 KBS 35#
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press 45#
50 back hyperextensions
50 wall ball 20#
50 burpees
50 double unders