
2 Rounds

250m row
2min max effort push ups

250m row
2min max effort sit ups

250m row
2 min max effort pull ups

250m row
2 min max effort air squat
Post Xmas Hangover WOD

Clean and Jerk 3+1 at 60% 3+1 at 65% 3+1 at 70%
4x 3+1 at 75%

Front squat 5x4 at 70%

40 burpees
20 Deadlift 225/155
40 single arm thrusters 24/16 kg
20 deadlift
40 burpees

The Christmas goose and all the excess whiskey almost reappeared....
No change. I just deal with it. Usually the pain is worse afterwards. Man it pisses me off getting old. My dog Daisy licks it for me. She says, "Pain is merely weakness leaving the body!"
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Actually pain is your body's way of saying you need to take better care of me before I end up in surgery.

Getting old does suck, but you can mitigate a lot of the effects of age by training smarter. I ran my first 50 mile trail run last year at age 42. I never felt better in my life and never once battled any nagging injuries. It's no testament to me physically, it's just being smart about how you train.
Forgive my sarcasm; I know you're right. Old habits... I have pain daily from flat feet with arthritis in each foot and figured it was part of the gig.
Wendler cycle week one Squats today

10 min Amrap

10 power clean at #115
15 air squats
30 double unders

Cash out Tabata abmat situps
Hang clean 3 sets 3, 2 sets 2, 1 set 1
Squat clean 3 sets 2, 2 sets1

3 rounds
15 burpees
400 m row
10 hang clean 135#
Wendler week 1 push press

7 minute AMRAP 95#

2 thrusters
4 push press
6 front squats

4 minutes:
Row 500m
Max effort knees 2 elbows
Wendler Week 2 Squats

4 rounds for time
12 wall ball 20#
6 Goblet Squat 80#
3 bear crawls 15meters each

4 minutes
48 KBS you pick weight
Max effort Burpees

Wendler week 2 bench press

10 chest to bar pull ups
15 push press 95#
20 box jumps
Row 250m

Cash out x 3 rounds
25 hollow rocks
25 abmat situps