
Yesteday did Jackie

1000 m row
50 thrusters with 45# bar
30 pull ups

Today Partner wod

Row 2000 m ( switch off every 250m)
75 box jumps
50 toes to bar (both had to be on bar, one hanging while other working, one came off you both did)
75 box jumps
6 100m sprints

5-10 min warm up

Work up to heavy 3x3 deadlift, take some weight off then;

2 min work moving immediately to next exercise, then 1 min rest

Deadlifts 185# x 5 reps
Box jumps 30" height x 10
10 pull ups
Max push ups until 2 min is up

Repeat 7 times

5-10 min cool down
Down in New Orleans and did a drop in at Crossfit Nola. It's 70 degrees and I was Un-acclimated to the heat -almost tossed last nights whiskey and meat up.

Class was 80% drop ins including a bridal party of Crossfit coaches. Running involved navigating a very busy and broken side walk with a traffic prone street crossing. They did have HUGE ceiling fan that appeared to be the prop from a C130 or similar.

Strength: banded good mornings and anti rotational holds

Metcon: 3 rounds
200m run
20 wall balls
200m run
10 thrusters 95/65


Pull Clean
3x1@ 95%

Front squat

This was a good one -very "Fran" like, serious lung burner

5 rounds:
:20 sec Max Effort Thrusters 95.65 lbs
;20 sec Max Effort Pull Ups
:40 sec rest
Another tough one -probably the most difficult in a while:

Power Cleans:
2x2 @ 70%
3x1 @ 75%

Hang Snatch
2x2 @ 70%
3x1 @75%

9 min to complete:

30 Bar to Overhead 95# (any overhead press is fine)
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24 inches)
15 Toes To Bar
20 Bar to OH 125#
30 Burpee Box Jumps
15 Toes to Bar

any remaining time: Max Effort Bar to OH at 155#
Back at it this week, was sick last week. These little fomites that I live with are bad news this time of year.

Squat 3-3-2-2-1 start at 70% of one rep max

1/2 Cindy
10 minute AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 pushups
15 air squats
Down in New Orleans and did a drop in at Crossfit Nola. It's 70 degrees and I was Un-acclimated to the heat -almost tossed last nights whiskey and meat up.

Class was 80% drop ins including a bridal party of Crossfit coaches. Running involved navigating a very busy and broken side walk with a traffic prone street crossing. They did have HUGE ceiling fan that appeared to be the prop from a C130 or similar.

Strength: banded good mornings and anti rotational holds

Metcon: 3 rounds
200m run
20 wall balls
200m run
10 thrusters 95/65


Push Press

4 min each exercise work 30s rest 30s. Finish 4 minutes before moving to next. Max effort

Double unders
Toes 2 bar
Overhead lunge walk 45#
12 Days of Christmas

1 burpee
2 sit ups
3 front squat 115#
4 lunge walk 45# plate overhead
5 KB swing 53#
6 Shoulder to overhead 115#
7 clapping pushups
8 knees 2 elbows
9 ring dips
10 box jumps
11 pull ups
12 plank ups

Do it like the song, 1 burpee, then 2 situps and 1 burpee, then 3 front squats 2 situps and 1 burpee etc etc
^did a variation of that one last week. Sucked.

1 muscle up
2 clean & jerk
3 push press
4 front squat
6 t2b
7 burpee
8 pull-ups
9 ring dips
10 sumo high pulls
11 snatches
1200 m run