jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 17, 2014 #462 Tabata Row Air Squats Pull ups Push ups Sit ups
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 20, 2014 #463 Front Squat 5 sets of three 20 hang clean @135# Run 200m 18 hang clean Run 200m 16 hang clean Run 200m 14 hang clean Run 200m 12 hang clean Run 200m
Front Squat 5 sets of three 20 hang clean @135# Run 200m 18 hang clean Run 200m 16 hang clean Run 200m 14 hang clean Run 200m 12 hang clean Run 200m
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 22, 2014 #464 Run 1 mile Row 2K Run 1 mile I really didn't like this. Cash out 20 russian twists, pick weight 20 hollow rocks 20 sit ups X2
Run 1 mile Row 2K Run 1 mile I really didn't like this. Cash out 20 russian twists, pick weight 20 hollow rocks 20 sit ups X2
OP OP Brandon Pattison WKR Joined Feb 25, 2012 Location Michigan Oct 22, 2014 #465 6 mile run. 1/2 mile deer drag
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 23, 2014 #466 Squats 5 sets of 5 30-20-10 Pistols Toes 2 bar KBS-70#
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 27, 2014 #467 70 double unders 60 box jumps (all have to be jumps, no step ups) 50 burpees 40 abmat situps 30 one armed snatch 50#, each arm 20 strict pull ups 10 calorie row
70 double unders 60 box jumps (all have to be jumps, no step ups) 50 burpees 40 abmat situps 30 one armed snatch 50#, each arm 20 strict pull ups 10 calorie row
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 28, 2014 #468 Strength: Power Clean 5 sets of 2. First set 70% of 1 rep max and work up from there. 20 min EMOM Odd: 10 Power Cleans @ 135# Even: 10 Toes 2 bar For every set not completed, 10 burpee penalty
Strength: Power Clean 5 sets of 2. First set 70% of 1 rep max and work up from there. 20 min EMOM Odd: 10 Power Cleans @ 135# Even: 10 Toes 2 bar For every set not completed, 10 burpee penalty
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 29, 2014 #469 Strength: 5 sets of 3 push press 500m row 15 deadlift @ 225# 400m run 15 handstand push ups 300m row 15 deadlift 200m run 15 handstand push ups 100m row 50m sprint
Strength: 5 sets of 3 push press 500m row 15 deadlift @ 225# 400m run 15 handstand push ups 300m row 15 deadlift 200m run 15 handstand push ups 100m row 50m sprint
P Poser WKR Joined Dec 27, 2013 Location Durango CO Oct 30, 2014 #470 10 Minutes hip mobility 1 minute burpees 3 minutes hollow rock variations Backsquat: 5 x75% + 1 minute Plank 3x85% + 1 Minute hollow rock 1x95% +1 Minute hollow rock 1 minute Max Effort strict Handstand Pushup 5 minute Max Effort KB Snatch 24kg 1 Minute Max Effort strict HSPU 3 minute Max Effort KB Snatch 1 Minute Max Effort strict HSPU
10 Minutes hip mobility 1 minute burpees 3 minutes hollow rock variations Backsquat: 5 x75% + 1 minute Plank 3x85% + 1 Minute hollow rock 1x95% +1 Minute hollow rock 1 minute Max Effort strict Handstand Pushup 5 minute Max Effort KB Snatch 24kg 1 Minute Max Effort strict HSPU 3 minute Max Effort KB Snatch 1 Minute Max Effort strict HSPU
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Oct 30, 2014 #471 30-20-10 Burpee Box Jumps (jump them all, no stepping) Knees 2 elbows Man makers 25# This didn't look bad on the board, 31 minutes later it did.
30-20-10 Burpee Box Jumps (jump them all, no stepping) Knees 2 elbows Man makers 25# This didn't look bad on the board, 31 minutes later it did.
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 3, 2014 #472 Halloween WOD we did partner workout. Both had to do all double unders and the rest were split. 2 rounds 100 double unders 50 ball slams 20# 100 double unders 50 pushups 100 situps 50 pull ups 100 lunges with 55# kettlebell
Halloween WOD we did partner workout. Both had to do all double unders and the rest were split. 2 rounds 100 double unders 50 ball slams 20# 100 double unders 50 pushups 100 situps 50 pull ups 100 lunges with 55# kettlebell
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 5, 2014 #473 Row for time 500m 250m 100m 6 min Amrap 10 wall ball 20# 10 situps 3min rest 6min Amrap 10 KBS 70# 20 double unders
Row for time 500m 250m 100m 6 min Amrap 10 wall ball 20# 10 situps 3min rest 6min Amrap 10 KBS 70# 20 double unders
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 7, 2014 #474 Power clean technique/form session for 15 minutes "The Chief" 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest 5 rounds 3 Power Clean @ 135# 6 Push ups 9 Air Squats
Power clean technique/form session for 15 minutes "The Chief" 3 min AMRAP, 1 min rest 5 rounds 3 Power Clean @ 135# 6 Push ups 9 Air Squats
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 13, 2014 #475 Front squat 5 sets of 5 3 rounds for time Row 800m 50 back hyperexetnsions 50 sit ups
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 13, 2014 #476 10 minute EMOM 15 double unders 5 wall balls Add one rep each minute "JT" 21-15-9 Handstand pushups Ringdips Pushups
10 minute EMOM 15 double unders 5 wall balls Add one rep each minute "JT" 21-15-9 Handstand pushups Ringdips Pushups
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 14, 2014 #477 "Bell" 3 rounds for time 21 deadlift @185 15 pull ups 9 front squats @ 185
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 19, 2014 #478 10 minute EMOM 1 Power Clean 1 Squat Clean Add weight every round 3 rounds 10 hang clean @155 10 ring dips 10 squat clean @155 10 pull ups
10 minute EMOM 1 Power Clean 1 Squat Clean Add weight every round 3 rounds 10 hang clean @155 10 ring dips 10 squat clean @155 10 pull ups
P Poser WKR Joined Dec 27, 2013 Location Durango CO Nov 20, 2014 #479 5x3 @ 70% Clean 5x4 @ 80%+ clean pull 3rft 50 double unders 21 over the bar burpees 7 power snatches 135/95
5x3 @ 70% Clean 5x4 @ 80%+ clean pull 3rft 50 double unders 21 over the bar burpees 7 power snatches 135/95
jmez WKR Joined Jun 12, 2012 Location Piedmont, SD Nov 20, 2014 #480 5 rounds 10 burpee box jumps 20 Kettle bell swings 55lbs 30 knees to elbows 200 m row 2 min rest between rounds
5 rounds 10 burpee box jumps 20 Kettle bell swings 55lbs 30 knees to elbows 200 m row 2 min rest between rounds