So, while I was going Elk hunting, there was a bit of a shake up at my gym. I come back and there is a new gym manager who is also coaching many of the classes.
Its kind of weird as this person is a total mainstream person and a "mainstream Crossfitter." The box I go to is certainly not mainstream in its appeal or its membership. Most Crossfit locations are in strip malls with ACs. They are clean. This place is in a dirty warehouse space with no AC. We listen to punk rock. Nobody wears Crossfit branded clothes. There is no group warm up. Its usually 20 minutes to do whatever you have to do to get ready for the strength portion and wod.
So, anyway, I come back and this new chic is like Crossfit branding central. I guess I've been a little shielded from that culture. Its kind of over the top and I'm not sure what to think. Anyway, I guess we're doing the full, regimented Crossfit thing now with group warms ups, mobility work, quotes of the day and strict timing for strength reps. The programming is still the same. I can handle all of this, but I can't take the crappy mainstream workout music....
Romanian Deadlifts 3x10
3 Rounds for Time
400m run with 45/25 pound plate overhead (sucks)
5 snatches 165/120 (uh, yeah, had to scale that).