
10 Minute EMOM:
Minutes 1-5: 2 Back Squats @ 80-85%
Minutes 6-10: 1 Back Squat @ 86-90%

10 Minute AMRAP:
2-4-6-8-10-12-14... Increasing by 2 reps each round
Deadlifts @ 225 lbs
Box Jump Overs @ 30"
Toes to Bar

5 x 5 Bench Press
Well Hallelujah- I'm among the living again! Whatever I had, it wasn't a cold- fever, big time chest congestion, achy joints, etc- seems like weeks, but I guess only four days :) 4 miles on the trails with Tiny E at a relaxed pace, I think he easily covered 8 miles!
I'm not good at resting lol.
Think I figured out which part of my quad is giving me trouble, so resting that. sort of.
10x10 bench at 70% 1 min rest between sets. Dieing on the last 4
2x1 minute power cleans 135#
2x1 minute power snatch 95#
1 minute push press 115
1 minute power clean and push press 115
hit the gym this morning

deadlifts and overhead press for 5/3/1+/10 @ 75/85/95/70% of 1RM
lunges 3x30yds
chinups 3x13

am happy to report that the flu didn't seem to impact my strength much, I was able to hit 5 reps on both the deadlifts and press on my 1+ lift, which bodes very well for the next phase :D