
10 Minute EMOM:
1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch
Start @ 60%, build as desired

For Time:
20 Cal Ass Bike
15 Toes 2 Bar
15 Power Snatches 95 lbs
15 Overhead Squats
20 Bar Facing Burpees
to the gym this morning

squats & bench 5/5/5 @ 75% of 1RM with a 2 second pause at the bottom- what a difference that makes!!!!!
pullups 3x12
dips 3x30
I hear ya on the 2 second pause.

Tempo squats 2 seconds down, second pause in the hole and then 2 seconds up. 5x5 climbing weight each set. Between set 30 second 100lb Dball hold.

For time10, 8, 6, 4, 2 bear complex with burpees over the bar in between. 19:20 @95 lbs.

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strength train this morning; end of a cycle- next week squats & deadlifts get bumped 10 lbs, bench & overhead press 5 lbs and start again :)

deadlifts 5/5/5 @ 75% of 1RM
overhead press 5/5/5 @ 75% of 1RM
lunges 3x30 yds
chinups 3x13
Earlier this week.

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5 Minute EMOM
2 Split Jerks, start @ 80%, build as desired
*20 second overhead hold on last rep on 5th round

12 Minute AMRAP
12 Cal Row
12 Wall Balls
12 Toes 2 Bar
12 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (6L/6R)

"Raise the Roof"
-Kneeling Shoulder Press, unweighted
Snotel site nearby (and same elevation) showed -2 last night, jives with what I thought was

I built some little sleeves for my Nalgenes out of closed cell foam and then wrap them in my down parka; water only had a tiny bit of ice in it- if they had been left as is, and out in the open- they would have been two rocks :)
Snotel site nearby (and same elevation) showed -2 last night, jives with what I thought was

I built some little sleeves for my Nalgenes out of closed cell foam and then wrap them in my down parka; water only had a tiny bit of ice in it- if they had been left as is, and out in the open- they would have been two rocks :)
The Nalgene insulation was a good idea. I heated my water on my stove and poured it back into my bladder, then wrapped boots with hand warmers in them with my bladder in my jacket and put it in my tent. My water was slushy in the morning. I highly doubt my thermometer was accurate. The temp at the town over 2,500 ft lower 4 miles away was 4°. So I'm not sure how the ridge would have been 10° warmer.

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Partner WOD

10 sandbag over the shoulder 150#
50 abmat sit ups
100 thrusters 95#
1.5 mile ass bike
100 push ups
1.5mile ass bike
100 burpees
1.5 mile ass bike
100 front rack lunges 95#
1.5 mile ass bike
10 sandbag over shoulder 150#
50 abmat sit ups

Both parthers do all the sandbag cleans and sit ups. One does sit ups while other does the cleans. Split the middle evenly between both.