
Every 0:45 for 10 rounds
1 Snatch pull (with :02 pause at the knee and :02 pause at the pockets)
1 Squat Snatch; start @ 70%, build as you go

For Time:
1000m row buy in
then, 3 rounds of
10 Power Snatches 95 lbs
10 Front Rack Lunges
5 Lateral Burpees over the bar
The gym was packed with ROTC students, so had to work around and get as much done with very little available space.

5 sets of DB military press 30-60#
4 sets of front/side DB raises 15-20#
3 sets of battle ropes
3 sets of #33 ball slams
4 sets of #45 kettlebell swings
3 sets of 20" box jumps
2 sets of #45 goblet squats