
3 rounds
2 minutes 50 lb slam ball wall balls at 8 ft
20 yd 135 lb prowler sprint
2 rounds
1 minute 40 lb slam ball wall ball at 9ft
Pullups amrap
20 yd 135 lb prowler sprint
2 rounds
1 min rope machine pull (vertical) at 7
Pushups amrap
20 yd 135 lb prowler sprint.
Went and checked a couple trail cameras, 1.65 mile loop, dog was beyond happy. Then headed to the gym.

7 sets of OHP 65-155#
7 sets of squats 155-245#
6 sets of battle ropes
5 sets of kettlebell swings(SH/DH) 20-50#
4 sets of bicep curls 30-40#
Close grip bench and zercher goodmorning (this is my favorite thing lately haha)
Pause and explode close grip bench,135x8
Cable neutral grip curls and tricep pushdowns
With drop sets, so each higher weight drop to last weight after Nd continue
1 min each arm
Kb swings 50lbs, kb clean and press and overhead lunge
3.4 mi interval run over 27: or so minutes. First time monitoring HR on a run and I was surprised how hard it was to raise at first, and later in the run, how hard it was to lower it. But it seems like a useful load monitor.
Well planned on 10x10 squats at70%, but only reached 10x5.
Inside of my knee started burning lol. Dont plan on tearing any tendons before hunting season..
Realized I have given myself zero breaks more than a day in atleast 6 months or morr
Every 1:15 for 10 rounds:
1 Squat Clean + 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
Start @ 60%, build as needed

For Time:
20 Cal Assault Runner
10 Squat Clean Thrusters 155 lbs
20 Cal Echo Bike
10 Burpees over the bar

Every 2 Minutes for 5 rounds:
150' D-Ball Bear hug carry, 100 lbs
AMRAP Cals on Assault Runner