
This was brutal in the foothills
6 sets of DB incline bench press 35-80#
6 sets of DB bicep curls 20-40#
4 sets of stiff legged deadlifts 80-140# (back is pretty stiff today so stopped there)
5 sets of battle ropes
5 sets of box jumps 24-30" boxes
5 sets of KB swings (SH/DH) 20-50#
6 sets narrow grip pulldowns 120-210#
6 sets of wide grip pulldowns 140-210#
4 sets of wide rows 80-100#
5 sets of high shoulder cable rows 60-100#
5 sets of lawnmower rows 40-80#
2 sets of SH KB swings 20#
20 minutes of stretching.
Yesterday did 30 mins with my pack and 40lbs.

Today, 5 sets bench 80%x10
3 sets 80%x8
5 rounds
1 min 50lb kettlebell clean, press, and lunge amrap
1 min 25lb kettlebell turkish getups amrap