
Good workout today. Good training for mountain hunting

5min AMRAP
400m run
Thrusters with 35# dumbells

1min rest

5min AMRAP
400m run
Over the box jumps

1min rest

5min AMRAP
400m run
Kettlebell swings 70#

1min rest

5min AMRAP
400m run
pull ups
15 min: work on split jerk

15 min AMRAP
7 power cleans 185/125 lbs
30 Overhead lunges with 45/25 lbs plate
15 wall balls 20/14 lbs
Weighted pull ups 5 sets of 3

4 rounds
4 minutes
Run 400m with 20lb med ball
Row max calories

2 minute rest between rounds
Here is what I've done today:

This AM:
75 push ups
75 sit ups
4 mile run-27:46

This PM:
1 mile run to pool-7:27
25m side stroke, right side
25m side stroke, left side
50m kick board
100m butterfly
200m freestyle, no legs
400m breast stroke
800m freestyle
1 mile run to the office-10:00