
In addition to the squats.. I added 20 minutes of various sandbag carries (waiters walk, suitcase carry, press walk, farmers walk) trying to keep moving the entire time.

My legs are already sore! Tomorrows foam rolling /stretching will be a real treat!


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Lower Strength SUPERSET with Endurance Upper

Walking Lunges - 40x8 50x6 60x4 60x4
Dips - 10/8/8/6

Glute Ham Bridge - 225x6 225x6 255x4 255x4
Single Arm Farmer Carry- 50lbsx50ft 65x50ft 75x50ft 85x40ft

Bicycle Crunches - 20/20/20
Pallof Press - Red Band x 20/20/20
Wall Ball (no squat) - 10lb Med Ball x 20/20/20

Stair Climber 15 min.

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3 rounds
15 power cleans 115#
45 double unders
15 push press 115#
45 double unders

5 min rest

5 rope climbs
500m row
4 rope climbs
500m row
3 rope climbs
500m row
2 rope climbs
500m row
1 rope climb
500m row

Rest 5 min

2 rounds
25 GHD sit ups
15 front squats 155#
20 ski erg cals

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Pushed the finger some more. Held together but theres still some healing nerves.
135lb barbell lunge x8x2
Bent over row 135x8, superset deadlifts (oh grip) 225x8×2
Power cleans 1 rep, row next, 135x8
3 sets...25 chinups
3 sets walking lunges
2 sets Russian twist/abdominal roller
4 sets Waiters carry, suitcase carry and push carry with sandbags


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3 Minute EMOM
3 Touch-n-go Snatches @ 60-70%
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute EMOM
2 Touch-n-go Snatches @ 70-80%
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute EMOM
1 Snatch @ 80-90%

For Time:
2 Rounds of:
25 Power Snatches 75 lbs
25 Pull-ups
25 Calorie C2 Bike

30 GHD Sit-ups
1000M Row
30 GHD Sit-ups
1000M Row
30 GHD Sit-ups
I just found out my gym added a new area. Its a converted racquetball court they changed to allow: Tire flips, ball slams, wall balls, kettle bells and battle ropes, etc.

So I spent 50 minutes doing a wide variety of exercises. Flipping the 175# tire the length of the room then pushing it back to the starting point. Ball slams, kettle bell swings, a few rounds of battle rope, etc.

It was alot of fun to mix up my routine and worked up a great sweat
I just found out my gym added a new area. Its a converted racquetball court they changed to allow: Tire flips, ball slams, wall balls, kettle bells and battle ropes, etc.

So I spent 50 minutes doing a wide variety of exercises. Flipping the 175# tire the length of the room then pushing it back to the starting point. Ball slams, kettle bell swings, a few rounds of battle rope, etc.

It was alot of fun to mix up my routine and worked up a great sweat
That's funny, I havent worked out at the gym by my work in awhile but did today for similar workout. Lots of fun.
3 rounds. Trying to beat times.
20 yd 135# sled run x2
20 yd waiter carry x2
40 yd 180# tire flip
4 mile hill workout w/ Tiny E

3 position clean
Power position+low hang+ground= 1 rep
rest 1 min between building in weight

1:30 max rep Wall ball
Rest 60 sec
1:00 max unbroken wall ball
Rest 60 sec
50 burpee touching target 6” above arms
1:00 max unbroken wall ball
Rest 60 sec
1:30 max rep wall ball

Cal echo bike
Cal row