
I started this high volume week about 4-5 months ago- I have it between Wendler's 5/3/1+ week (week 3) and the recovery week (week 4), it's for time: 10/9/8/7......../1 w/ 70% of your 1RM for squats/bench and 10/9/8/7......../1 for pull-ups, while my times haven't really improved, my 70% 1RM #'s have gone up pretty significantly, so I'm lifting more weight each cycle

when I went out the door of the gym today I had to look behind me as something was dragging- it was just my a$$ :D
Dynamic day
Ohp 115x3
100x7x2 (trying to explode on the press)
Tried to squat but my knees are just too tight from how much I was while finger was hurt
Soo box jumps 34" x10, 50 lb waiter carry x2, 25lb kb Turkish getupsx3 ( each side)
3 rds
Modified one from Can't hit em
40 power clean 95#
40 bar facing burpees
30 power clean #115
40 bar facing burpees
20 power clean 135#
20 bar facing burpees
10 power clean 155#
10 bar facing burpees

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10 Minute EMOM:
3 Hang Squat Cleans, starting @ 50% and building to a heavy set

For Time:
25 Cal Ski Erg
15 Sumo Deadlift HP, 95 lbs
400M Run
25 Cal Echo Bike
15 Thrusters 95 lbs
4 sets of seated rows
4 sets wide grip pulldowns
4 sets of deadlifts into bent over rows
4 sets of upright rows
4 sets single arm kettlebell swings
4 sets double arm kettlebell swing with heavier weights.
4 sets of battle ropes
5 mile out and back with my wife and Tiny E; ~ 1500' of gain

Tiny E discovered another tasty treat :)

Doing the 5-4-3 wave. Weight increases each time, and starting weight of next wave is higher.

Incline press, wavex3 starting at 145
Bent row wavex 3 starting at 140
Superset decline overhead extension x8 and curlsx8 75 lbs, x3
Turkish get upsx2x2
10 yd farmer Carrie's 70lb kb x4
5 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny E; the wind has shifted out of the north and the temperature is dropping fast