
155x7x2 pause and explode reps incline press (waiting for bench)
543 waves again bench press 20 secs rest between sets within a wave, 1 min rest between waves
45lb DBS, 50,55xs2
135 lb front squat x10 & barbell lunge x5 x2
9 Minute AMRAP:
8 Hang Power Snatches 95 lbs
8 OH Squats 95 lbs
8 Toes to Bar

3 Minute Rest

9 Minute AMRAP:
8 Alt Hang Dumbbell Snatches 50 lbs
8 Single Dumbbell OH Lunges 50 lbs (4L/4R)
8 Toes to Bar

3 position snatch:
Work to a heavy set
Any thoughts on training for this??? I've run that kind of distance before I'm not as worried about the distance, but the elevation of this one.... Would you simply just increase the distance of your daily running or would you specifically try to train more frequently at this type of elevation. It would take up a lot of time for me to drive to similar elevations. I am on the fence on doing this.


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Any thoughts on training for this??? I've run that kind of distance before I'm not as worried about the distance, but the elevation of this one.... Would you simply just increase the distance of your daily running or would you specifically try to train more frequently at this type of elevation. It would take up a lot of time for me to drive to similar elevations. I am on the fence on doing this.

I would up your long runs, roughly to where you are on your feet as long as you would for this race- you show be able to look at past results and get a rough idea how long it will take- obviously longer than 14.5 miles on gently rolling terrain

I would also add a fair bit of hill work, both shorter/steeper stuff, but also longer sustained climbs

I don’t think you have to be overly concerned on the altitude, but you definitely want to get a lot of “climbing” under your belt

I’ve never ran a road race, but would definitely consider something like this :)
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9 Minute AMRAP:
8 Hang Power Snatches 95 lbs
8 OH Squats 95 lbs
8 Toes to Bar

3 Minute Rest

9 Minute AMRAP:
8 Alt Hang Dumbbell Snatches 50 lbs
8 Single Dumbbell OH Lunges 50 lbs (4L/4R)
8 Toes to Bar

3 position snatch:
Work to a heavy set
This one looks rough!
I would up your long runs, roughly to where you are on your feet as long as you would for this race- you show be able to look at past results and get a rough idea how long it will take- obviously longer than 14.5 miles on gently rolling terrain

I would also add a fair bit of hill work, both shorter/steeper stuff, but also longer sustained climbs

I don’t think you have to be overly concerned on the altitude, but you definitely want to get a lot of “climbing” under your belt

I’ve never ran a road race, but would definitely consider something like this :)

Thanks for your input. It's definitely a climb to the top for sure. I keep going back and forth on it. I am going to start training for it and see how things come together......
Looooonnnggg day at work.
18 minutes stair master intervals (1 min at 8, .30 at 12, then .30 at 20) then 4 mi utes at 12
3 rounds
10 burpee
2x10yds 70lb kb one arm carry each hand (4 total)
10 box jumps at 30"
6 pullups
Did it in 14:33