
Today was a more of an active recovery day, legs are sore/tight from earlier in the week! Foam rolling and stretching for 20 minutes.

4 sets barbell OHP
4 sets of front shoulder raises
4 sets of lateral shoulder raises
4 sets of various biceps curls

I will get the dogs out after work for a few mile walk
Workout today
Upper strength sets superset with explosive lower sets

Flat DB Bench Press - 65x8 75x6 85x4 95x4
Plyo Lunges - 9/9/8/7

Benchless Single Arm DB Rows - 35x12 55x8 65x7 75x5
Squat Jumps - 12/12/10/10

Core Bosu Mountain Climbers - 15/15/15
Crunchy Frogs - 10/10/10
Supermans - 10/10/10

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Want to really hate the echo bike:
20 min every 2 min on minute
10s 90 rpm
10s 80 rpm
10s 70 rpm
10s 60 rpm
10s 50 rpm

A couple of competition types did this at my gym today. Neither could finish it written. After 5 rounds they stopped after 70 rpm.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk

Solid Hell No on the echo bike one , lol

Clean and jerk 1x1 #260

3 rds for time
10 power clean #155
10 shoulder to overhead
5 miles on the trails w/ Tiny E; made me laugh- he likes to roll in the snow when we get started out, he was rolling on the downside of the trail and then took about an unexpected 10 foot tumble down the hill :)
Im doing my wife's 30 day... "Guns, buns & Ab challenge" with her. lol

Yesterday was 50 squats, 5 pushups, 25 leg lifts.
Today was 55 squats, 5 pushups, 30 leg lifts. Im adding in the same number of step ups on the Bosu ball as squats also.

Then got a nice 3.75 mi road run in.
In addition to this attachment I also added:

5 x 11 seated leg extensions
5 x 10 narrow grip pulldowns
3 x 12 single arm cable rows
2 x 30 sec rope pulls max effort
4 x10 tricep extensions/skull crushers
4 x 10 dumbbell flys


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6 mile run (haven't ran in a long time :)) w/ Tiny E, TE found a heck of a treat, but got sick of packing it


5 miles for Tiny E and I- the trails are almost solid ice; even with microspikes I have to exercise a little caution going downhill