
Went rock climbing yesterday for 2 hours, and swam for 30 minutes this morning. Really sucks not lifting with my finger waiting to split open. Made rock climbing really suck on the tougher walls lol
4 miles on icy trails w/ Tiny E; one of my microspikes finally broke (rubber ripped)- they have roughly 2500 miles on them!!!!!!

tried a fix, we'll see- I have a spare set that I bought two years ago thinking they would have given out by now :)
12 Days of Christmas

With a partner:
1 Squat Clean
2 Front Squats
3 Bar MU
5 Deadlifts 135 lbs
6 Front Rack Lunges 135 lbs
7 Burpees over the Bar
8 KB Swings 70 lbs
9 Pull-ups
10 Toes 2 Bar
11 Thrusters 135 lbs
12 Slam Balls, 50 lbs

Rep scheme performed like the song, each new exercise in the list is followed by doing each exercise below it in the list in descending order. One partner works while the other rests, switch as needed.
Lots of squats still since my finger still isnt sealed up. Probably should have got stitches.
Front squats
185 x1x3 (rest pause 15 seconds between singles)
Back squats
225x1x3 (rest pause 15 seconds between singles)
135x8 pause and explode.

Felt pretty good doing 225 again for butt to the ground squats. My legs are not thanking me between this and truck workout.
1 rope climb
2 over shoulder sand bag throw 150#
3 front squats 115#
4 oh plate lunges 45#
5 push ups
6 push press 115#
7 wall balls 20#
8 knees 2 elbows
9 ring dips
10 box jumps
11 bar facing burpees
12 plank ups

12 days Christmas style. That was mean.

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6 min AMRAP
10 thrusters 105#
10 bar facing burpees
3 min rest
6 min AMRAP
10 KBS 70#
10 jumping lunges
3 min rest
6 min AMRAP
10 wall balls 30#
10 GHD sit ups
3 min rest
6 min AMRAP
10 squat clean 105#
10 strict press 105#

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Man I'm really hating waiting for my finger to heal. Been keeping my nutrition relatively inline but hate not lifting now that I dont run as much, and im so routine oriented it's hard to just switch over.
Rant over, 25 minutes stair master 1 minute at 5, then 30 -60 secs at 20, for 20 mins. Then last 5 were minute at 8, minute at 12. Then back and forth.
strength train this morning

deadlifts 3/3/3+/10
overhead press 3/3/3+/10
lunges 3x30 yds
chin-ups 3x12

this afternoon a leisurely 2 miles with my grandkids and Tiny E :)