
Thanks. I'm much better on the weights than the cardio. I couldn't do 9/10 of the running around the mtns. That you do!!

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30 mins of walking stairs.
1 set pause squats, 135 x8 (I really suck at coming up explosive)
3 x 205x5 full squat
1 set pause squats 135x8
3 sets box jumps at 36" x10
12 min AMRAP
2 sandbag over the shoulder 150#
4 over sandbag burpees
6 sandbag squats 150#

If you really want to grind, there are some competition types at my gym and they did this.
50 minute time cap
100 m row
10 clean and jerk 135#
200 m row
9 clean and jerk 145#
300 m row
8 clean and jerk 155#
400 m row
7 clean and jerk 165#
500 m row
6 clean and jerk 175#
600 m row
5 clean and jerk 185#
700 m row
4 clean and jerk 195#
800 m row
3 clean and jerk 205#
900 m row
2 clean and jerk 215#
1000 m row
1 clean and jerk 225#

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For time:

50 double unders
35 ghd situps
30 6 inch target burpees
25 box jumps
20 push press 100#
50' walking dumbbell lunge 50#
50 double unders
50' walking dumbbell lunge
50 double unders
50' walking dumbbell lunges
20 push press
25 box jumps
30 6 inch target burpees
35 ghd situps
50 double unders

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4 miles with Tiny E after work

Swam 30 minutes last night, tried to lift this morning but finger kept splitting open on deadlifts and rows. Need to be more careful with my chisel lol.
Did 135x12 bent over rows. Then 155x6x3
Then 135 x5 hang clean and push press
225 x10 deadlift, gave up on my finger after that.
10 minutes sled push.
gym this morning

deadlifts 5/5/5+ @65/75/85% of 1RM
overhead press 5/5/5+ @65/75/85% of 1RM
chin-ups 3x12
lunges 3x30 yds

Welp, turns out a ruptured Achilles’ tendon will really put a damper on exercise.

6 weeks in this guy, barring I don’t have to have surgery, and I can start PT.

Merry Christmas fellas.

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Welp, turns out a ruptured Achilles’ tendon will really put a damper on exercise.

6 weeks in this guy, barring I don’t have to have surgery, and I can start PT.

Merry Christmas fellas.

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That is not fun. I put a hurt on mine last summer but avoided a rupture. Hope you heal up quick and ease back into it!
10 Minute Alternating EMOM
-5 High Box Jumps
-1 Halting Power Clean + 1 Halting Power Clean + Jerk; 65-70% build if possible

10 Minute AMRAP:
3 Thrusters 135 lbs
6 Toes 2 Bar
9 Calorie Row