
I use the terms

Hang Clean, done from a standing position
Power Clean, taken from the floor
Squat Clean, taken from the floor to include a full front squat

I don't really care what anyone else calls them
I use the terms

Hang Clean, done from a standing position
Power Clean, taken from the floor
Squat Clean, taken from the floor to include a full front squat

I don't really care what anyone else calls them

This seems the most easily understood, like some, I have no idea what the hell you guys are describing. I have never belonged to any gym though and I have never tried to figure it out.
I use the terms

Hang Clean, done from a standing position
Power Clean, taken from the floor
Squat Clean, taken from the floor to include a full front squat

I don't really care what anyone else calls them

This is the way that I know it, all three are different lifts with different names
10 minute AMRAP
row 250m
10 hang clean 135#

rest 10 min

10 min AMRAP
run 100m
10 double unders
double unders increase by 10 every round
5 Rounds:

500m row
100 single unders
1min front leaning rest on rings
50m farmers walk heavy as possible
I just can't figure out why CrossFit decided they needed their own term for the clean and snatch. But then I also throw a hissy when a rifle/pistol is called a gun, and a magazine is called a clip. I also come from a long line of grammar Nazis.
Angie this morning. Arms are still practically limp. I think I made an error in judgment by asking the guy who picks the WODs if he knew anything about Kelly. All I got was a smile and "I think I will look at that one".
Bench press 7x2@90% 1RM

3 Rds for time
400m run
21 KB swings
12 pull-ups

4 sets
Max effort chin-ups
Max effort push-ups
Deadlift: 5x75% 3x85% 1x95%
Shoulder Press: 5x75% 3x85% 1x95%
Ring dips: 3x10

12 min AMRAP
3 wall walks
200m run
15 Push press 95/65
Romanian Deadlifts 3x10
Box squats 3x10 @40-50%

The Medium Chief
5 rounds for total reps

3 min AMRAP
3 Power Clean 155/105
6 hand release push ups
9 air squats

rest 1 min between 3 minute intervals