Brandon Pattison
- Joined
- Feb 25, 2012
- Location
- Michigan
4 mile run
Power Clean 5 sets of 3
10 minute Amrap
4 squat clean and jerk 165#
8 toes 2 bar
on the squat clean must go from catch in the clean straight into front squat in one motion, couldn't clean then reset and front squat.
In other words: do a clean.
No, do a squat clean
Tell me the difference between a clean and a squat clean, please.
A "clean" and a "squat clean" are the same thing.
A "power clean" and a "clean" are different
Some Crossfit boxes differentiate between a "power clean" and a "clean" by calling a clean a "squat clean" to clear up any confusion as to whether or not "clean" means a "Power Clean" or a "Clean" aka "squat clean."
The term "Squat Clean" makes it confusing for people with a background in power and Oly lifting, but seems to be less confusing for people with no powerlifting/ Oly background. The box I go to does not use the term "Squat clean", however, there is often one or two people that always ask "do we have to squat?" when they see the word "clean" on the board. In other words, they are hoping to get by with a power clean when in fact it doesn't say "power clean." I think that for this reason, some gyms use the phrase "squat clean" to clear up any confusion. In the end, its just semantics and nothing really to get worked up over.
Exactly. But it's 2014. Isn't it just easier to teach everyone "clean" and "power clean" instead of having redundant terms? Maybe my gym just does it differently.