
Saturday morning.

In teams of 2, wall ball can never tough the ground or there is a 200m run penalty.

100 wall balls 20lbs
100 yard sled push
100 wall ball cleans
Sled push
100 deadlifts 185
Sled push
"Kelly" today.

5 rounds

400m run
30 box jumps
30 wall balls.

I was getting down on myself for taking a long time on it then I realized that's a 1.25 mile run and 150 each box jumps and wall balls. I couldn't have even attempted that a few months ago when I started.
Deadlift: 3x70% 3x80% 3x90%
Shoulder Press: 3x70% 3x80% 3x90%

Ring dips: 3x10

7 Front squats at 70%
21 KB swings 24/16 kg
50 Double Unders
40yd sprint repeats on the minute, adding one every minute until time is broken. Executed on a 30* hill. Made 8 rounds.

13 minutes AMRAP:
4 KB snatch
5 KB squat
9 pullups
11 pushups
shoot 1 arrow @ ten yards (recurve), with a penalty for missing bull-10 medicine ball situps/miss

8 rounds-missed five shots-my recurve beat me up today.
Power Clean 5 sets of 3

10 minute Amrap

4 squat clean and jerk 165#
8 toes 2 bar

on the squat clean must go from catch in the clean straight into front squat in one motion, couldn't clean then reset and front squat.
Romanian Deadlifts 3x10 @ 45-50% 1 RM
Box squats 3x10 @45-50% 1 RM

For time:
30 KB swings 32/24kg
20 Box jumps 24 inches
30 Toes to Bar
20 lateral burpees
30 V Ups
20 Power Cleans 135/95
30 alternating pistols
20 burpee box jumps

10 handstand push ups
15 Deadlift @250#
25 box jumps 30"
50 pull ups
100 wall ball 20#
200 double unders
Run 400m carrying 45# plate
Back Squat:

1x20@50% 1RM
3x10@60% 1RM

12 minute EMOM
Even: 6 thrusters (95 pounds)
Odd: 8 bent over row

3rds for time:

200m run
50 double unders
10 box jumps
Power Clean 5 sets of 3

10 minute Amrap

4 squat clean and jerk 165#
8 toes 2 bar

on the squat clean must go from catch in the clean straight into front squat in one motion, couldn't clean then reset and front squat.

In other words: do a clean.
Tell me the difference between a clean and a squat clean, please.

A "clean" and a "squat clean" are the same thing.
A "power clean" and a "clean" are different

Some Crossfit boxes differentiate between a "power clean" and a "clean" by calling a clean a "squat clean" to clear up any confusion as to whether or not "clean" means a "Power Clean" or a "Clean" aka "squat clean."

The term "Squat Clean" makes it confusing for people with a background in power and Oly lifting, but seems to be less confusing for people with no powerlifting/ Oly background. The box I go to does not use the term "Squat clean", however, there is often one or two people that always ask "do we have to squat?" when they see the word "clean" on the board. In other words, they are hoping to get by with a power clean when in fact it doesn't say "power clean." I think that for this reason, some gyms use the phrase "squat clean" to clear up any confusion. In the end, its just semantics and nothing really to get worked up over.
A "clean" and a "squat clean" are the same thing.
A "power clean" and a "clean" are different

Some Crossfit boxes differentiate between a "power clean" and a "clean" by calling a clean a "squat clean" to clear up any confusion as to whether or not "clean" means a "Power Clean" or a "Clean" aka "squat clean."

The term "Squat Clean" makes it confusing for people with a background in power and Oly lifting, but seems to be less confusing for people with no powerlifting/ Oly background. The box I go to does not use the term "Squat clean", however, there is often one or two people that always ask "do we have to squat?" when they see the word "clean" on the board. In other words, they are hoping to get by with a power clean when in fact it doesn't say "power clean." I think that for this reason, some gyms use the phrase "squat clean" to clear up any confusion. In the end, its just semantics and nothing really to get worked up over.

Exactly. But it's 2014. Isn't it just easier to teach everyone "clean" and "power clean" instead of having redundant terms? Maybe my gym just does it differently.
Exactly. But it's 2014. Isn't it just easier to teach everyone "clean" and "power clean" instead of having redundant terms? Maybe my gym just does it differently.

I agree, but, in all fairness, I'm not sure if Olympic lifting has ever been this "mainstream" before in terms of popularity. 15 years ago, it was limited to a tiny subculture of specialized gyms and sport specific facilities. Now its pretty widespread and commonly performed due to the popularity of crossfit as well as the influence of the popularity of Crossfit on working out in general. As a result of this popularity and people performing these lifts with little background or familiarity, some aspects may need more clarification.

In some ways, its kind of like qualifying a kill as a "bow kill." The qualifier "bow" is really not a necessary component to the description of the outcome of a hunt.
"I killed a deer. It was my best bow kill"
I cleaned 150 pounds. It was my best squat clean"

You could easily remove both the words "Squat" and "bow" from both sentences. (For the record, I'm not particularly a fan of the phrase "bow kill." Hunting is hunting. A bow may or may not be part of that equation).