
I cut a truck load of wood last night. Today I am really sore. How often do you guys take days off? Is it when you feel like you need to or do you schedule it?
I cut a truck load of wood last night. Today I am really sore. How often do you guys take days off? Is it when you feel like you need to or do you schedule it?

I seldom do more than 3 consecutive days on. 2 rest days a week. Usually, if I have to bump a workout because I'm too sore or drained, I do not reschedule it. However, sometimes I will bump a morning workout for the evening so that I can sleep in and have an extra 8 hours of recovery throughout the day. An extra hour or 2 of sleep can make a big difference.
5x65% 5x75% 5x85%
Shoulder Press
5x65% 5x75% 5x85%

5 rounds:
30 sec Max Effort Burpees
30 sec rest
30 sec Max Effort KB Swings 32/24 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec Max Effort situps
30 sec rest
Three mile trail run. Mostly uphill. Time moot. Spent part of the running mock stalking a doe. Got to. 30 yards for mock bowshot. Mock chip shot. Haha.
Back squat
5x1 at 95% 1RM

Tempo Front Squat
5x6 at 60% 1RM 4 seconds down, 3 second pause at bottom.

Good Mornings 5x6 heavy as possible.

5 sets of :30 front leaning rest hold on rings and 1 min max flutter kicks

5x200m run. 1min rest between rounds.

My legs are smoked.
AM: Carried my pack with 50lbs of sand to take the kids to school and walk back, it's only a 2.5 mile trip there and back, but why not?

PM: 16 RFT of 11 squats, 11 pushups, 11 situps-28:45
I had a pack on with 25lbs of sand in it, shot one arrow after each round, 15 yards, for each "miss" anything outside of my 8 ring, 20 burpees. I never missed, thankfully. Used my 70lb Hoyt GM II.

Squat clean 135#
Ring dips

Cash out
50 abmat sit ups
40 superman
30 GHD situps
20 leg raises
10 leg climbs each leg
Had a GORUCK custom light this past Saturday. 86 people, 3 Cadre, 3 huge logs and 6 1/2 hours of GOOD LIVIN`!! APFT to start. 82 pushups 74 situps 14:12 2-mile run. 300 score!

Leaving Thursday for CO to hunt some antelope!
5x5 overhead squat
8 minute EMOM 3 hang power cleans

5 rounds of max effort bench press and 400m row. 2min rest between rounds.
Romanian Deadlifts 40-45% 1 Rep Deadlift Max

800m sprint for time (8:00 cap, rest during leftover time)

8:00 AMRAP
10 behind the neck push press 115/75
20 KB swings 24/16kg
30 Double Unders

rest 4 Minutes

800m Sprint

25 Pullups (Palms Out)
25 Pushups (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)
50 Box Jumps
15 Squats, Floors 1-7 Only (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)
15 Curls, Each Arm, 40#
15 Standing Skull Crushers, 40#
2 Sets of 25 Single-Arm Clean and Press, Each Arm, 40#
7.5 Halos, Each Arm, 40#
15 Kettle Bell Swings, 40#
15 Military Press, Each Arm, 40#
15 Lawn Mowers, Each Arm, 40#
25 Chinups (Palms In)
25 Pushups (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)

Repeat. Plus 4 hours splitting wood with a logsplitter, gas type, one each.
10 minute EMOM
Deadlift 3 reps 80% one rep max

4 rounds for time
12 high sumo pull deadlift @ 95#
22 double unders
12 goblet squats 70# kettlebell
22 double unders
Partner WOD again today
2 rounds of each

100m Farmer carry, 70# each hand
Max effort box jumps

Run 200m
Max effort kettle bell swings 53#

Row 250m
Max effort ring push ups

Both people are working at same time on each
Back squats:
5x65% 5x75% 5x85%

Front squat: 3x10

7 strict overhead press 115/65
14 hang power cleans 115/65
21 over the bar burpees
4 RFT:
11 Hang Squat Cleans with 30lb KB in one hand, bow in the other, wearing 25lb pack
16 Burpees with 25lb pack
Shoot one arrow at 15 yards

9 RDS:
30 second handstand hold
30 second squat hold
30 second plank
30 second rest