- Joined
- Jun 12, 2012
- Location
- Piedmont, SD
Double Grace
60 clean and jerk 135#
Cash out: Tabata
Plank holds
60 clean and jerk 135#
Cash out: Tabata
Plank holds
I cut a truck load of wood last night. Today I am really sore. How often do you guys take days off? Is it when you feel like you need to or do you schedule it?
25 Pullups (Palms Out)
25 Pushups (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)
50 Box Jumps
15 Squats, Floors 1-7 Only (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)
15 Curls, Each Arm, 40#
15 Standing Skull Crushers, 40#
2 Sets of 25 Single-Arm Clean and Press, Each Arm, 40#
7.5 Halos, Each Arm, 40#
15 Kettle Bell Swings, 40#
15 Military Press, Each Arm, 40#
15 Lawn Mowers, Each Arm, 40#
25 Chinups (Palms In)
25 Pushups (with ‘This Pack Sucks’ pack, 56#)