
an hour of shoveling snow this morning; strength train this afternoon- squats 5/5/5 75%, bench 5/5/5 75%- a good 3 second hold at the bottom for both, made them much more challenging! pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core
E2MON 14 mins
Power clean
Hang squat clean
Front squat
Split Jerk

For time
30 box jumps (no stepping)
10 Clean and Jerk 155#
30 burpees
10 Clean and Jerk
30 burpee box jump overs
10 Clean and Jerk
Partner Workout
Each partner completes 1 full round at a time
12 KB Swings, 53 lbs
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs, 24"
2 Rope Climbs

2 Minute Rest

3 Minute Individual AMRAP
Ab mat sit-ups
after a two day hiatus from the stomach flu.... :( still definitely not a 100% and eating what amounts to baby food :), but got Tiny Elvis for 5 snowy miles on the trails- should have brought my smaller snowshoes, thought the trails might be packed down a little, but must be too cold for folks to get out
it's -10 F here (our high!) with a windchill of -33, met a buddy who is doing the Bob Marshall Open this year to go over possible routes at a local brewery and drank two 16 oz IPA's :D
got to a balmy -1 today, heat wave :)

shoveled snow for an hour
5 miles on the dreadmill
strength train- deadlifts 5/5/5, overhead press 5/5/5, chin-ups 3x12, core
Open workout 16.2

4-Minute AMRAP + Bonus Time of:
25 Toes To Bar
50 Double Unders
Squat Cleans*
*Round 1 - 15 @ 135#
*Round 2 - 13 @ 185#
*Round 3 - 11 @ 225#
*Round 4 - 9 @ 275#
*Round 5 - 7 @ 315#

Time extends by 4-minutes when completing a round
Score is the number of reps you have when the clock catches you.
When/if the clock catches you, continue working through the AMRAP for 5 full rounds/20 minutes
9 minute AMRAPS
1.5 mile assault bike
5 pull ups
5 ring dips
10 wall balls 20#

2 min rest

1000m row
1 rope climb
10 push ups
15 air squats

2 min rest

800m ski erg
5 kettle bell swings 70#
5 hand stand push ups
10 KB walking lunges 70#

Only do the bike, row and ski once at the beginning, then AMRAP in the time remaining.
well hallelujah for small miracles- we got above 0 today (barely, but above!) Tiny and I got 5 miles in on snowy trails
Push ups, pull ups, chin ups, dumbbell press, bent over row, arm curls, close grip pushups, shoulder press, around the body pass with kettlebell.

Then tonight I did 100 Cals on the fan bike in 8:07. Felt pretty good about that.
4 miles w/ Tiny E on slow, snowy trails
