
Traveling this weekend, so hotel workout.

2.5 miles at 4.0 incline
3x20 30# dumbbell incline bench
.5 miles at 3.0 incline (6.5 mph)
3x15 35# dumbbell incline bench
.5 miles at 3.0 incline (6.5 mph)
3x10 40# dumbbell incline bench
.5 miles at 3.0 incline (6.5 mph)
Wife, Tiny Elvis and I skied into the upper Little Blackfoot and stayed at a Forest Service cabin- 14 miles and a good time had by all!




3 Squat Cleans + 1 Split Jerk
15 Minutes to find a heavy set

2 Rounds:
1:00 Deadlifts 115 lbs
1:00 DU
1:00 Hang Power Cleans 115 lbs
1:00 DU
1:00 Push Jerk 115 lbs
1:00 Rest
MAD RESPECT! Havent checked in for awhile......but I still been following along. Even after 2 years at the gym, 22s, running, and hiking here in Fl, I went to the local high school today and climbed bleachers with 20 lb weight vest, pants and boots. OMG.......I wont be able to sit on the toilet tomorrow. I did this up and down, sideways, backwards, alternating steps, and skipping steps. You mountain hunters, which is my goal this year, are some bad mo fuggars!
12 min alternating emom
Min 1: 3 front squat @55%
Min2: kb high pull x10 ( fast up slow down )

For time
T2b 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
Deadlift 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Bulgarian split squat
3x8 each leg #35 kb’s

30 cal row
no name for this one (similar to Linda), but it was my squat/bench day and wanted to add some volume- kicked my a$$ :)

for time


bench @ bodyweight
squats @ bodyweight

I'm going to setup a similar workout for deadlifts/overhead press
10 min EMOM
11 wall balls

19 min
Min 1: 15 cal row
Min 2: 10 thrusters @ 75#
Min 3: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats
Min 4: Rest

Great workout........
Been out of commission with terrible sinus infection

4 rounds
12 push-ups
5 pull-ups
30 cal fan bike medium-high effort.

Little rest between rounds and finished last 10 calories max effort. ‘‘Twas a good one.
Twas a leg day....

10 Minute EMOM
Minute 1-4 5 Front Squats @ 65%
Minute 5 Rest
Minute 6-9 5 Back Squats @ 65%
Minute 10 Back squat AMRAP @ 65%

For Time:
32 Calorie Row
16 Front-rack Lunges, 115 lbs
32 GHD Sit-ups
16 Front-rack Lunges, 115 lbs
32 Calorie Row

Clean complex every 90 sec for 5 sets
Power clean+hang clean+clean

4 rounds @#115
15 oh squats
12 burpee over the bar
9 power snatch
Time is slowest round
4 min rest between rounds
4 miles on the trails with my and Tiny E- still very sore, but I'm a firm believer in active recovery :)