
yes Sir- I say walk those sore legs off :)

7 miles on snowy trails (but not quite enough snow for snowshoes) with Tiny Elvis
1200m row

14 min. AMRAP
Reverse single leg squat 75#
KB swing 53#

Start @ 5 reps, go +2 each round: made it this far (5,7,9,11,13,15,17) +3

5 min on assault bike cool down

5 underhand chin-up
10 T2B
Been sick all week, this was a dandy to walk back into!

12 min EMOM
3 power cleans

Death by Thrusters
Min 1 5 thrusters
Min 2 6 thrusters
Min 3 7 thrusters

Continue to increase by 1 rep every minute until you can no longer complete the reps in 1 minute
8 miles on the trails for Tiny E and I; a mile more than yesterday, but I picked a more popular route and the trails were packed pretty well- much easier getting around!
I think they tried to see who would quit this week @ X-fit......finished Fri Pm with

5 rds
5 pushups
10 situps
15 air squats

3 rds of 3 yoga stretches (can’t remember their names)

8-6-4. Unborken Sumo Deadlift as heavy as possible. I stopped at 180#

5 rds every 2 mins
5 power cleans 95#
15 wall balls @ 20#
8 miles of snowshoeing today for Tiny E and I, gorgeous day- unfortunately the nice weather comes to a screeching halt tomorrow



6 Minute AMRAP:
8 Squat Clean & Jerks, 55% 1RM
16 Pull-ups

2 Minute Rest

6 Minute AMRAP:
4 Squat Clean & Jerks, 65% 1RM
12 Wall Balls

2 Minute Rest

6 Minute AMRAP:
2 Squat Clean & Jerks, 75% 1RM
8 Bar MU
Partner Wod, break it up however you want: 3 rounds
Min 1-3 row calories
Min 4-6 3 power cleans 135#, 3 front squats 135#, 3 push press 135#
Min 7-9 toes 2 bar
lunges 5x 30 yards, shovel snow for an hour; sadly going to have to get on the treadmill for any aerobic stuff for the next several days :(
10 Minute EMOM
1 Power Snatch (drop bar)
1 Squat Snatch
Work to a heavy set

Sprint for Time:
30 Calorie Bike
20 Alt Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs
60 DU
20 Alt Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs
30 Calorie Row
Tabata style, work 30s rest 15s at each. 1 minute rest between rounds

6 rounds
Ski erg cals
1 arm OH KB lunges 53#
Assault bike cals
Sotts press pick your weight
Double unders
Accessory Warm-Up
3 tds
25 wall balls
10 kipping swings
45 second KB hold each arm 44#

3 Rds. 12 min cap
6 Hang Power Snatch. 95#
10 pull-ups
8 Hang Power Cleans. 95#
10 push ups
6 S2OH. 95#
Split jerk with 2 second pause in the dip and in the catch
% is of clean and jerk 1 rep
1x2@ 65%
1x2@ 70%
3x2@ 75%

For Time
16 power cleans #95
8 bar muscle ups
12 pc
6 mu
8 pc
4 mu
4 pc
2 mu
First time doing this amount of muscle ups

3 sets with #50 sand bag
30 walking lunges