
a chilly 5 miles on the trails with Tiny Elvis- he hadn't been out since Friday, so he was more than raring to go despite the temps :)
8 minute EMOM
2 Backs squats @80-85%

10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Alternating Hang Dumbbell Clean & Jerk, 50 lbs
40 Double-unders
20 GHS Sit-ups
40 Double-unders
20 Pull-ups
40 Double-unders
strength train this morning

deadlifts 5/5/5+, overhead press 5/5/5+ (65/75/85% of 1RM), weighted lunges 3x50 yds, chin-ups 3x12, core
1.5 hours of shoveling (more chipping than shoveling!) ice/cement packed snow berm that the plow so nicely deposited

after that Tiny E and I got for a tough 6 miles on the trails; littler easier for Tiny E as he can stay atop of the wind blown snow :)

Bench press 5x3
5 strict pull ups between sets

Partner WOD
Each partner completes a full round while other rests. Rotate between ski, bike, row.
20 min AMRAP
20 cal bike, row, ski erg
10 wall balls 20#
10 toes 2 bar
10 over box burpees

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
waiting for it to warm a little, in the meantime

"Cindy" as many rounds in 20 minutes of:

15 air squats
10 pushups
5 pull-ups

18 rounds- don't think I could do much better than that :)
Extra before class
1 mile run
1000m row

3 rounds
200m run
3 pullups
6 push up
9 kb swings
12 air squat
15 ab mat sit ups

Directly into

3 rounds @ 40% of snatch
30 dubs
3 hang power cleans+ 3 f. Squat+3 push press
30 dubs
3 hang power snatch+3 B.squats+3 snatch
I wondered if there were any roksliders doing the open. I lurk here often, to see what xfit stuff comes up.

9 rounds, 344 reps for me on 19.1. Lips were blue, face was tingling at the end.