
12 Minutes to find 1RM Front Squat

1 Round for Max Reps (50 lb Dumbbells)
1 Minute Devil Presses
10 second rest
1 Minute Row Calories
10 second rest
1 Minute Double dumbbell hang cleans
10 second rest
1 Minute Bike Calories
10 second rest
1 Minute Double dumbbell hang cleans
10 second rest
1 Minute Row Calories
1 Minute Double dumbbell thrusters
strength train
squats 5/3/1+/10, bench 5/3/1+/10, pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core

pleasantly surprised myself; I thought I was getting very close to plateauing on my squats/bench, on my 1+ hit 6 reps on my squats and 5 on my bench, so I'm still pushing full steam ahead! :)
Every 3 min on minute
250m row
10 KB lunges 70#
KBS 70# max effort in time remaining

Every 3 minutes re start the cycle until you have completed 150 swings. No rest between cycles, just continue until swings are completed.

That one took me to a dark place.
2 Minute EMOM:
4 Snatches @ 65% 1RM
45 second rest
2 Minute EMOM
3 Snatches @ 75% 1RM
45 second rest
2 Minute EMOM
2 Snatches @ 85% 1RM
1 Minute Rest
3 Minute AMRAP
Snatches @ 90% 1RM

8 Minute AMRAP:
2 Rope Climbs
8 KB Snatches (4L/4R) 53 lbs
24 Air Squats
Squat Clean 5,3,2,1. Work to heavy 1 rep

21 toes 2 bar
42 abmat sit ups
63 unbroken double unders
15 toes 2 bar
30 abmat sit ups
45 unbroken double unders
9 toes 2 bar
18 ab mat sit ups
37 unbroken double unders

Doubles should be within reason, if you are good at them then unbroken. If not good at them pick a target number that is reasonable to do unbroken then finish them.
Strict press
Find 1x3 rep max
- 15% for 1x3 and 1x max reps

5 min amrap
15 push press #95
15 box jumps
Rest 2 min

5 min amrap
5 devil press #50
15 air squats
Rest 2 min

5 min amrap
10 pull ups
15 push ups
Open Prep
20:00 AMRAP
50 WB
50 DU
40 Box Jump (24/20)
40 TTB
30 C2B
30 Bar Facing Burpee
20 Clean (145/100)
10 Snatch
10 MU

Didn't finish the 1st round...
we got 6-8" of fresh snow today, so broke out my little snowshoes and got 4 miles in with Tiny Elvis- he didn't seem to mind it; saw few deer on the loop

50 cal row for time

DeAdlifts 6 sets 1x6 1x4 1x2 1x6 1x4 1x2

3 rounds for time
20 t2b
40 kb swings #53
(Killed my grip)

Bench press
1x10, 1x8, 1x6, 1x4 , 1 drop set for max reps
400 Jump Rope 'buy in'

5x Clean, S2 OH, OH Squat
85#, 95#, 105#, 115#, 125#

5 Rds
6 strict arm curls 65#
12 situps
6 pull-ups
12 situps
100 single Jump Rope
8:00 AMRAP
10 Push Ups
10 Slam Balls
10 Goblet Slam Ball Squats
10 Sit Ups
10 Goblet Slam Ball Lunges

2:00 Rest

8:00 AMRAP of:
2:00 Max Cal Row (1:1)
2:00 Max Cal Ski (1:1)
2:00 Max Cal Bike (1:1)
2:00 Max Shuttle Runs (1:1)
*partners switch every :30*

4 Rounds:
10 Bench Press
10 Reverse Flies
10 Barbell Curls
10 Russian Twists
gave Tiny the day off :) went to the gym

deadlifts 5/3/1+/10, overhead press 5/3/1+/10, lunges 3x50 yds, chin-ups 3x12, core