
24 Minute Alternating EMOM

12-15 Calorie Alternating Row/Ski/Bike
8 Double Dumbbell Box Step-overs, 24"
5 Bar MU/HSPU Alternating
5 D-Ball Over the Shoulder, 100 lbs

75# Front Squat x5
Power Clean x5
Power Snatch x5
OH Squat x5

Repeat @ 85#, 95#. Then same x3 @ 105

10 Rds for Time
10 box jumps
6 pull-ups
Every 3 minutes for 4 rounds:
7 bench press @ 65% 1RM
10 bent over dumbbell rows
50 Double-unders

3 Rounds for Max Reps:
1 Minute Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
1 Minute Ring Dips
1 Minute Shuttle Run
1 Minute Rest
family vaca to Hawaii. I hit Lahaina CrossFit one day and ran a couple others but mostly rest and relax. Got back and felt really good all week in my workouts. Did a Train to hunt simulator Saturday with 3 mile hike , good lord was steep.

3 rounds
30 cal assault bike
20 power cleans 115#
30 box jumps 24"
20 lateral over bar burpees

2 min rest between rounds. Goal is not not have more than 1:00 spread working time in any rounds. That one hurt a little.
12 minute alternating emom @ #265
Min 1 : 1 front squat
Min 2: 3 back squat
(6 sets each)

12 min amrap
2 ground to overhead #155
2 chest to bar
100m run
4 g2oh
4 chest to bar
100m run
( add 2reps after each run)
Every 1:10 for 10 rounds
1 Squat Clean + 3 Split Jerks
Build to a heavy set

For Time:
20 Cal Row
14 T2B
28 Wall Balls
28 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50 lbs
28 (14/14) Single Arm Dumbbell Push-Press, 50 lbs
14 T2B
20 Cal Bike
45 minute fan bike
First 30 30 sec max effort with 230 steady state
5 min steady state/cooldown
Last 10 minutes alternative every 30 sec only upper body or only legs. (I liked that)
315 cal workout (per the machine)

Finished out with some push-ups and pull-ups

Could barely stand up after the bike.
4 miles with Tiny Elvis- really pretty with a light snow (and almost no wind!), saw a few bunches of deer
