
3 rounds for time
20 pull ups
20 ghd sit ups
30 Cal ski erg
40 Cal assault bike
500 m row

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Snatch 8 min emom
Snatch pull+ hang snatch 75%

5 rounds beginning every 3 min
20 wall ball
10 box jump
5 power snatch #95
10 Minutes to build to a heavy 5-rep deadlift

12 Minute alternating EMOM
0:45 max double-unders
8-12 dual dumbbell box step-overs, 24"

2 of 6 rounds replace jump rope with 0:45 seconds ski-erg sprint
I should have had a big bull this afternoon, his reactions just slightly quicker than mine :)

11-ish miles bucking snow as deep as 2'- I'm bushed, but going to give it a whirl tomorrow


With a partner: (1:1)
20:00 AMRAP
40 Heavy Russian KB swings
40 Push Ups
2 Rope Climbs
10 Dball Over the Shoulder
2 Rope Climbs
40 Goblet Squats
40 Ring Dip
2 Rope Climbs
10 Dball Over the Shoulder
2 Rope Climbs
a tough 8 miles this morning elk hunting- deep snow and a steep ascent- deep enough I could have used snowshoes

got home in time to put new tires on the truck, brought Tiny E with and while they were swapping tires got 5 miles in with him

I'll sleep good tonight
5 min AMRAP
2 min rest
4 min AMRAP
2 min rest
3 min AMRAP

40 Jump Rope
8 KB swings
10 alt jump lunges

Killed my legs!!,
Deadlift 5-3-1+

For time

50 GHD sit ups
10 bar muscle ups
10 cal assault bike
8 bar muscle ups
12 cal assault bike
6 bar muscle ups
15 cal assault bike
4 bar muscle ups
18 cal assault bike
2 bar muscle ups
20 cal assault bike
50 abmat sit ups
gym this morning
squats 5/3/1+/10, bench 5/3/1+/10, pull-ups 3x10, dips 3x30, core

3 miles with Tiny E this afternoon
4 min amrap
10 Axle bar ground to overhead #115
20 wall balls

2 min rest

4 min amrap
Muscle ups
Burpee pull ups if fail muscle ups

2 min rest

4 min amrap
10m sled push 4 plates

(Tore my hands)

Bench press
4 miles with Tiny E; after watching my Grizzlies lose a heart breaker to our cross state rivals :(
3 miles on the trails with my wife and Tiny E this morning

gym this afternoon
deadlifts 5/5/5 @75%, overhead press 5/5/5 @75%, chin-ups 3x11, lunges 3x50 yds, core
7 Minute AMRAP:
20 Double-unders
10 Hang Power Cleans 115 lbs
5 Bar MU

3 Minute Rest

7 Minute AMRAP:
20 Wall Balls
10 Slam Balls 30 lbs
5 Burpee onto a plate
Monday Mash!

21 thrusters 95#
7 burpee chest to bar
15 thrusters
5 burpee chest to bar
9 thrusters
3 burpee chest to bar

1 min rest

15 front squats 125#
15 toes to bar
12 front squats
12 toes to bar
9 front squats
9 toes to bar

1 min rest

12 power clean 155#
12 box jumps
9 power cleans
9 box jumps
6 power cleans
6 box jumps
^ that doesn't look fun at all :D

Tiny Elvis and I got 3.5 miles in after work- won't be long and I'll have to bring a headlamp
28 min Alternating EMOM
15 Cal row
10 Alternating 1 arm DB snatch 50#
12 Assault bike Cal's
6 Devil presses 50#
13 Cal ski erg
12 DB front squats 50#
1 min rest

That one hurt

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Thanksgiving with the girls
For time

20 pull ups
20 push ups
20 sit ups
20 air squats
400m run
21 KBS 53#
12 pull ups
15 thrusters 95#
400m run
15 OHS 95#
Grace and Isabel
20 ground to overhead 95#
400m run
30 box jumps
30 wall balls

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