
went to Missoula this weekend for a football game, only to watch my Grizzlies squander a 21-3 halftime lead :(

2.5 miles on the trails with Tiny E on Saturday; got up early today and meet with a friend for 7.5 miles on the Missoula trails
8 Minute EMOM:
1 Halting Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
Start @ 70%, work to a heavy set

For Time:
30 Thrusters 75 lbs
30 T2B
50 Double-unders
20 Thrusters 75 lbs
20 T2B
50 Double-unders
10 Thrusters 75 lbs
10 T2B
50 Double-unders
Back squat 3x5

Work 1 min, rest 1 min, 2 rounds at each station
Wall Balls 20#
Ski erg calories
Man Makers 50#dumbbells
Ring Push ups
Row Cals
Assault bike cals
20 Minute Alternating EMOM

50 second Max Calories Ski/Bike Alternating (up to 15 calories)
5 Power Snatch Singles, 65% 1RM
15 Pull-ups
7 Overhead Squats at power snatch weight
gym this evening

deadlifts 5/5/5+, overhead press 5/5/5+, weighted lunges 3x50 yards, chin-ups 3x11, core
chasing the wild wapiti = walking my rifle :D

9.5 miles and a bunch of elevation

Deadlift 3x5

For time
30 hand stand push ups
40 pull ups
50 KBS 53#
60 abmat sit ups
70 burpees
At the top of every minute do 2 air squats
10 minute EMOM, alternating
10 Strict shoulder press + 20 second hollow body hold
2-3 rope climbs

For Time:
1000m Row
50 Box Jump overs, 24"
40 Single arm Dumbbell STOH (20L/20R)
30 Alternating Jumping lunges
20 Burpees onto a 45 lb plate
hit the gym this morning

squats 5/5/5+, bench 5/5/5+, pull-ups 3x11, dips 3x30, core
Back squats 1x3 rep max 3 sec pause in the hole
-10% for 1x3 no pause
@ drop weight 1x max reps no pause

15 min every 3 minutes
20 box jump overs
15 t2b
10 hang power snatch #95
Strict Press

Fight gone bad style. 5 rounds
1 min each station, go from one exercise to next no rest. Rest 1 min after each round of 3
Dumbbell front rack back lunges, 50# DB's
Double unders
Assault bike calories

That was horrible.

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14 tough miles on the mountain yesterday; chased elk up/over/down a mountain only to finally jump them out of beds to view their ass ends- so it goes
14 tough miles on the mountain yesterday; chased elk up/over/down a mountain only to finally jump them out of beds to view their ass ends- so it goes

Sounds like my day yesterday, sometimes hard to understand . Deer season see shît ton of quail , I go back after deer season to hunt them , no quail shît ton of deer.
14 tough miles on the mountain yesterday; chased elk up/over/down a mountain only to finally jump them out of beds to view their ass ends- so it goes

Ha ha, that sounds like my average elk hunt too mtwarden. It definitely makes it sweeter when it all comes together though! At least you're in mountain shape and able to hit it that hard. How much season do you have left?
20 Minute AMRAP:

5 Bar MU
7 Clean & Jerks, 155 lbs
9 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski Erg alternating each round
Ha ha, that sounds like my average elk hunt too mtwarden. It definitely makes it sweeter when it all comes together though! At least you're in mountain shape and able to hit it that hard. How much season do you have left?

true that! :)

we go to the weekend after Thanksgiving, so I still have some time