
Wrapping up the first week of Wendler 5/3/1 and getting in my normal 2 mile morning walk every day. This program starts you off fairly light, so I've slowed down and really focused on my form, and then pushed hard on the last round as it's always an AMRAP. Liking it so far!!

Yeah he definitely stresses starting out light and then slowly building; it's nice when you get to the last set and you can knock out a decent amount :)
5 miles (800') with Tiny Elvis

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas..... oh wait a minute that was two weeks ago :D

7 minute EMOM:
Min 1&2: 5 back squats @ 245#
Min 3&4: 3 back squats & 275#
Min 5-7: 2 back squats @ 305#

For time:
50 cal row
40 push press 75#
30 box jumps 24”
20 Russian kb swings 61#
10 single arm devils press 50#
20 Russian kb swings
30 box jumps
40 push press
50 cal row
Pull Up Ladder to 9

4 sets, no rest
Bench- 45/95/135/185 x 20/20/20/10
Barbell Curl- 45/50/55/60 x 12
Deadlift- 45/95/135/185 x 6
Push Up- x 20
Pull Up- x 12
Windshield Wipers- x 20

Bench- singles from 195 to 240
Dead- doubles from 205 to 225

2 sets
DB Incline- 75s x 10
Preacher Curl- 55/65 x 12
1-arm Barbell Deadlift- 95/105 x 3ea side
Pull Up- x 15
Fisio Sit Up- x 20

3 sets
Wrist curls 45/65/75x 20/12/10
DB Holds- 25s

Finished with 75sec Deadhang