
2 Rounds for Time:

Wearing a 20lb weight vest

800M Run
145 Double-unders
45 Push-ups
45 Wall balls, 20 lbs

The weighted double-unders made everything else super challenging, my shoulders were absolutely smoked by the end.
well I would be lying if I said my legs weren't sore :)

went to the gym and did this workout I officially dubbed the "warden" :D

5 rounds for time

10 thusters (95#)
10 pullups
30 pushups

was probably a bit early to reintroduce thrusters, but muddled through it
12 minute EMOM, alternating between

-3 front squats @ 245 lbs + 10 second front rack hold
-30 second hollow body hold

For time:
40 calorie assault bike
12 double dumbbell deadlifts, 50 lbs
12 double dumbbell hang cleans, 50 lbs
12 double dumbbell squats, 50 lbs
400m Run
For Time
25 cal assault bike
20 GHD sit ups
12 sandbag cleans 150#
15 KBS 70#
20 cal assault bike
16 GHD sit ups
10 sand bag cleans
20 KBS
15 cal assault bike
12 GHD sit ups
8 sand bag cleans
25 KBS
10 cal Assault bike
8 GHD sit ups
6 sand bag cleans
30 KBS
The sand bag cleans were over the shoulder. I guess there are a couple of was to do them. We had 150# little cylinder shaped thing full of sand. No handles. Had to pick it up then take it up and over your shoulder completely opening hips before it goes over.

I'd never done them before. They tore me up.

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Did WoodBow's Wod today.

800m run
80 double unders
21 power cleans 115#

400m run
40 dobule unders
15 power cleans 135#

400m run
40 double unders
15 power cleans 155#

200m run
20 double unders
9 power cleans 165#

200m run
20 double unders
9 power cleans 185#

200m run
20 double unders
9 power cleans 205#

We did this today. 👎
got up at 4 to beat the heat, a pleasant 55 degrees- 3.5 miles with a 50 lb pack (no pack for Tiny E), hunting season is creeping up
10 minute EMOM:

3 squat snatches at 75-80% 1RM

9 Minute AMRAP:
4 Bar MU
8 Alternating DB snatches, 50 lbs
12 (6/6) OH Single DB lunges, 50 lbs
For Time:

1000m Row
150m D-Ball Carry, 100 lbs
30 sit-ups
150m Double kettlebell front rack carry
30 Slam balls, 30 lbs
150m Double kettlebell front rack carry
30 sit-ups
150m D-Ball Carry, 100 lbs
1000m Row
Deadlift 5-4-3-2-1

20 min AMRAP
3:00 assault bike cal
2:00 row cal
1:00 atomic sit ups

1 min rest

3:00 assault bike cal
2:00 row cal
1:00 atomic sit ups

1min rest

3:00 assault bike cal
2:00 row cal
1:00 atomic sit ups

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little more volume at the gym this evening

deadlifts 5x5
bench 5x5
weighted lunges 5x30 yards
dips 3x30
pullups 3x10
Snatch 75% of 1rm
6x1 slow 2 sec pull to knee

Tabatas- 20 sec work 10 sec rest 4 minutes each
Air squat
1 min rest
Kb swing
1 min rest
1 min rest
up at 4 for 4 miles w/ Tiny E, was going to bring the ruck, but legs were pretty fatigued from last night
Front squats 4x2
2 sec pause in the hole @75% of 1 rm

12 min amrap @#50
2 db snatch
2 burpee over db
4db snatch
4 burpee over db
Increase by 2’s until time elapse’s

Bench press 5x5