
Every :45 x 5
15 DU + 1 Clean @ 70%
1:30 rest
Repeat @ 75%
1:30 Rest
Repeat @ 80%
1:30 rest
Every :90 x 3: 30 DU + 1 @ 85-90%
Take 3 attempts at a heavy single following this

3 Rounds for max reps:
0:45 Pull-ups, 0:15 Rest
0:45 Push-ups, 0:15 Rest
0:45 KB Swings, 0:15 Rest
Mile run (6:45 pace)

5 sets of:
Bench press (135 up to 250)
Sit Ups
Kettlebell clean to overhead press (35 up to 55 lbs)
Knees to elbows

Mile run (7:00 pace)
Cleans then this bullshît (thats not my time )

Took a page out of your book today with a little modification!

50 DL 135#
40 box jumps
30 pull ups
20 front squats 135#
10 STOH 135#
50 sit ups
30 hang cleans 135#
20 back rack lunges 135#
10 burpee bar muscle ups
20 Minute EMOM, Rotating between:

15 Calorie Row/Bike/Ski (Alternating)
6 Thrusters 115 lbs, 6 C2B Pull-ups
200M Run
3 Burpees over dumbbell, 6R/6L Single arm Push-Press, 50 lb Dumbbell
strength training this evening- bench 3/3/3+; squats only two sets 3/3- I still haven't conquered the pain in my upper thigh, tried a stretch I found on the internet, helped a wee bit, but still sore when squatting; pullups 3x11, dips 3x25, core
1 Mile run with 20# ball
8 rounds
10 wall balls 20#
15 ft rope climb
800 m run with ball
4 rounds
10 wall balls
15 ft rope climb
400m run with ball
2 rounds
10 wall balls
15 foot rope climb

That sucked. 45 min time cap

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12 Minute Alternating EMOM:

5 Back Squats @ 65-70%, No Pause or Rest at top
5 Seated Box Jumps, 36", 3 second pause at bottom of each jump


7 minute AMRAP:

12 x Box Jump Overs, 24"
12 x SDHP, 75 lbs
4.5 miles and ~ 800' of gain this evening with Tiny E, warmer than I care for (85-ish)
1- 1.5 mile run
2- 1000 yd. swim
3- 1.5 mile run
4- 1000 yd. row
5- 1 mile run
6- 5 mile bike

Every :30 x 8:
15 DU + 1 Squat Snatch @ 70%
1:00 rest
Repeat @ 75%
1:00 Rest
Repeat @ 80%
1:00 rest
EMOM x 4: 30 DU + 1 @ 85-90%


1:00 Max Cal Bike
2:00 Rest
Bench press 6x6

12 min AMRAP
30 double unders
3 strict hand stand push ups
2 bar muscle ups
1 clean and jerk 185#, pick your weight, should be moderately heavy
Complex 5x1
Hang power clean+2 front squat+jerk

4 rds 4 min amrap
10 t2b
20 goblet squat #53
40 dubs
Max effort burpee
Rest 2 min between rds
too hot for the trails, went to the gym- deadlifts 3/3/3+, overhead press 3/3/3+, chin-ups 3x12, lunges 3x50 yards, core
Tempo front squats 3 sec down and up 1 sec pause in bottom

Annie w/12 min clock
Double unders
Amrap w/ leftover time
10 clusters #75
10 pull ups
10m hs walk

Last weekend got in 30 miles in some amazing CA high country with a couple other guys i might here on Rokslide through the CA rendezvous. Elevation range from 7500ft to 9400ft
caught some amazing Cutts
Push press 5-5-3-3-1--1-1

17 min AMRAP
Min 1-2 400m run
135# OH squats in time remaining
1 min rest
Min 4-6 35 cal row
20# wall balls time remaining
1 min rest
Min 8-10 400 m run
HS pushups in time remaining
1 min rest
Min 12-14
35 cal row
,135# OH squats in time remaining
1 min rest
16-18 400m run
20# wall balls in time remaining
1 min rest
Min 20-22 35 cal row
HS pushups in time remaining

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