
another 7.5 miles, this loop with more climbing- a couple of stretches of the tiptoe variety :D

the cool weather is a blessing, but it comes with smoke from Canada as well (we probably have enough of our own smoke); doesn't seem to bother Tiny E


two a days :D

at the gym

deadlifts 5/5/5+, bench 5/5/5+, lunges 3x50 yards, chinups 3x12, core
20 Minute EMOM, alternating each minute between:

15 Calorie Row/Assault Bike/Ski Erg (rotate to different machine to begin each round)
5 thrusters @115 lbs + 8 C2B pull-ups
200M Run
3 burpees over bar + 12 Single arm dumbbell push press, 50 lbs (6l/6r)
EMOM, 9 minutes alternating
10 Deadlifts @ 275 lbs
6/6 Weighted pistols (on a 24" box)
20 seconds chin-up hold + 20 second hollow body hold

For Time:
400M run
30 slam balls, 30 lbs
10 burpees
30 jumping air squats
10 burpees
30 calorie assault bike
Just got back from a hunt yesterday , legs smashed

Halt cleans 1 sec pause at knee 5x1 #225
Every 2 min

Complex- clean high pull +2 low hang pulls 3x1 #265

6 min emom
6 bar over burpee
Max rep clean n jerk #95

Rest 3 min

6 min emom
6 bar over burpee
Max rep thrusters #95
^ that's exactly why we workout out so hard all year (well that and the chick thing too) :D
3x1 complex
2 push press + 1 push jerk

Db snatch #50

3x5 good morning
3x10 barbell row
12 Minute EMOM
1 Snatch pull + 1 Hang squat snatch

For Max Reps:
2:00 Double-unders
2:00 Push-ups
2:00 Pull-ups
2:00 Ski Erg Calories

Last work-out at the gym before bow season opens Saturday. Excited to hit the mountains and hopefully come out with more weight than we packed in!
40min alternating EMOM
12 ski erg cals
2 power cleans 190#
15 assault bike cals
15 ghd back hyperextensions

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strength train this evening

5 rounds for time
thrusters x 10
pullups x 10
pushups x30
1 mile warmup run followed by half mile walk
3x10 squats 30 seconds rest
3x10 deadlift 30 seconds rest
3x10 calve raises super set with 3x10 kettle bell swings 30 seconds rest
3x10 kettle bell side bends super set with kettle bell lunges 30 seconds rest
Ended with pushups, sit-ups, and 10 minutes in the sauna
taking today and tomorrow off, have a two day- 60-ish mile fastpack into the Bob Marshall this weekend- should be a dandy :)
30 min clock
Team WOD 1 partner work 1 rest
10 rds
5 pull ups
6 power snatches #95
7 box jump
8 sit ups

With remainder of time Establish 1 rm clean
Most of this sounds terrible after working all week. How do you have enough energy to do all this after work?

I cut logs and sawmill and feed all day I'd never be able to do all this.

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Most of this sounds terrible after working all week. How do you have enough energy to do all this after work?

I cut logs and sawmill and feed all day I'd never be able to do all this.

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Im a truck driver , I work 10-12 plus hours a day. I got up to #270 im 5’8” . Never wanting to be like that again is my motivation. I find a way everyday