
Monday 6/23

Back squat 5x3 @ 85% 1rm.

EMOM 16 minutes

Even: 10 toes to bar
Odd: 100m sprint

3x1000m row.
Wendler cycle week 2
Deadlifts and Shoulder presses: 3x70% 3x80% 3x 90%

EMOM for 7 minutes:
3 position snatch, heavy as possible

2 min Handstand

6 min AMRAP:
15 hang power clean 115/95
15 burpees

2 min handstand

4min AMRAP
10 hang power cleans
10 burpees

2 min handstand
Hang Clean every 60-90 seconds: 7x2+ 1 Push Jerk, heavy as possible
Pendelay Row 4x5 with same weight as clean

3 rounds for time:
15 Handstand Pushups
40 split jumps
15 pullups
3 rounds for time

10 front squats at 185#
20 pull ups
50 double unders

Cash out 100 ab mat sit ups
After each 50 1 min accumulated L sits
backsquat (Wendler Cycle) 3x70% 3x80% 3x90%
Front squat 3x10 (heavy)

15 min, AMRAP
50 double unders
12 Toes to Bar
3 wall walks
Every 20 seconds for 4 min: 1 Snatch @ 75%
Rest 3 min
Every 60 seconds for 8 min: 1 snatch at 85%

For time:
50 double unders
5 push jerks 135/95
30 pullups
10 push jerks
30 pull ups
5 push jerks
50 double unders
Bench Press Heavy 7x3

3min max effort calorie row
1min rest
3min max effort walking lunge
1 min rest
3 min max effort double unders
1 min rest
3 min max effort burpees.
Power snatch and power clean skill work. Heavy singles.

25 KB swings
Shoulder to overhead
Box jumps
25 KB swings.
Hero WOD
Hotshot 19 (for the 19 wild land firefighters that pasted last here in AZ)
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats
19 Power Cleans 135#
7 Strict Pull Ups
400 m run
48:34 w/banded pull ups
RIP Brothers
Deadlift 5@75% 3@80% 1@95%
Shoulder Press: 5@75% 3@80% 1@95%

Rings dips: 3x10

8 min AMRAP:
7 strict pullups
15 hand release pushups
30 situps

Rest 2 min

8:00 of Turkish Get ups
Back squat percent of 1RM

3@70% 2@80% 1@90%
Repeat 3-2-1

For time:

800m run
7 rounds:

4 box jumps at 30"
6 chest to bar pull-ups
10 push-ups

800m run.

I didn't know until I got to the gym. I saw your post earlier and called my hunting partner chucking about how bad that looked. Show up at they gym and its on the board. I think we are doing hero WOD's all week.
15 min to establish 1 rep max: Clean and Jerk

40 burpees
50 double unders
30 burpees
50 double unders
20 burpees
50 double unders
The Seven

7 Rounds

7 Handstand pushups
7 Thrusters 135#
7 Knees to elbows
7 Deadlift 245#
7 Burpees
7 Kettlebell swings 70#
7 Pull ups

We've done this one before, this is about the worst Crossfit has to offer. Just a $%tch of a workout.
