
7x10 front rack walking lunges.


Handstand push-ups.

3x10 evil wheels
3x10 heavy side bends.
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25-Pushups with 56# pack
14-Flights of Stairs (skipping steps) with pack
15-Deep Squats at every other flight with pack
15-Curls (each arm)
15-Overhead Skull Crushers
15-Over/Around Head
15-Kettlebell Swings
50-Single Arm Clean and Press (each arm)
15-Single Military Presses
15-Single Bent Over Row
50-Box Jumps
25-Pushups with pack

1:10 and yes, it sucked. I am pretty sure though that I couldn't hang with you guys.

Same plus push mowing with pack.
I thought I was the only guy that mowed my yard with a weighted pack on.


20min AMRAP

10 Pushpress 115#
10 KBS 53#
10 box jumps

10 +14
Damn I wish we'd have done Jack instead of Alisha for 7/3.

40 minute AMRAP:

400m run
3 bear complex
5 pull-ups
7 push-ups
9 KB swings
11 sit-ups.

6 rounds.
20s work 10s rest 4 rounds each then 1min rest and start next exercise. Count lowest score from each round

Row max calories
High sumo pull deadlift with 53# kettlebell
Abmat situps
Hands up pushups
Double unders
Overhead squat 45# bar

3x3 Backsquat at 90% of 1RM

For Time:

KB swings

Then 4 rounds:

25 Sit-ups
20 Russian Twists
Max effort pull-ups
Max effort push-ups
7x 2 Power Clean + 1 Split -heaviest possible

3 rounds for working time:

10 Handstand Pushups
15 Toes to Bar
50 Kettlebell Hi Pulls (25 each hand)

rest 1:1
Every minute on minute

4 Thrusters 75#
4 pull ups
4 burpees

Starting at round # 10, increase reps by one every minute
You are finished when you can't complete all the execises in one minute

Cash out
50 abmat situps
40 russian twists with kettlebell
30 front bicycles 30 reverse bicycles
20 vups
10 max effort L sits

Went for a 3.25 mile hike tonight with a 50# pack
5 sets of 3 split jerk

12 minutes ascending ladder

1 burpee box jump
1 power clean 135#
1 KB swing 70# (American)


etc, keep adding a rep and finish as many as possible in the twelve minutes
15 minutes of muscle ups

5 rounds for working time:

5 deadlifts 155/250
8 Over the box jumps/ 20 inches
200m run
rest 2:00

Back Squat 5 sets of 3 reps

400m run
50 wall balls (20#)
40 chest to bar pull ups
30 wall balls
20 chest to bar pull ups
10 wall balls
Hardest workout I've had since I started Crossfit (96 degrees, 100% humidity and no AC could have been a factor...)

7 rounds

7 handstand Pushups
7 Thrusters 135/95
7 knees to bar
7 deadlift 245/ 155
7 burpees
7 kb swings 70/53
7 pull ups

Time: 51:02
Started working out again this morning, I've only been running lately. The elevation at my in-laws is around 5800', unlike the 700' near my home.

Hand Release Push ups
50LB sandbag goblet squat

Push Jerk 5 sets 2 reps

20 Shoulder to Overhead (135#)
Row 200m
16 Shoulder to Overhead
Row 200m
12 Shoulder to Overhead
Row 200m
8 Shoulder to Overhead
Row 200m
4 Shoulder to Overhead
Row 200m

Deadlift 4 sets 5 reps

Tabata Today, 20s work and 10s rest 8 cycles, then rest for 1 minute and move to next exercise. Count lowest number of reps in a cycle and that is your score.

Wall Ball 20# 9
Double unders 3=1 9
Pull Ups 6
Burpees 6

Total score 30