
Had the last workout of the Wendler 5/3/1 Strength cycle. Described here: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online...aining_performance/how_to_build_pure_strength
-will be interested to see if it produced strength improvements. I definitely felt strong during the high % weeks.

The last week is a downloading week. Today was back squats (good thing it was light, I was absolutely dragging ass this morning).

Met Con

4 rounds for working time:

7 chest to bar
7 ring dips
15 KB swings 24/32kg
50 double unders
5x8 front squat at 75% 1RM
5x5 strict press at 70% 1RM

For Time:

30 power cleans


Double unders

Then 5 rounds max effort chin-ups and max effort close grip pushups.
10 tire flips
20 sledge swings on the tire
Run 1 mile
20 toes 2 bar
10 burpees

Cash out
50 abmat situps
40 mason twists 20#
30 V ups
20 side to side heel touches
10 superman holds
Back squat 5x6 at 80% of 1rm

3rds for time

400m run
15 dead lifts at 185
400m run
10 dead lifts
400m run
5 dead lifts.

Row 1000m
50 Thrusters @45#
30 Pullups

8:36, 40 second better than I did in Jan.

60 bicycles
50 leg raises
40 med ball situps 20# ball
30 plank ups
20 raise ups'
1 plank hold max effort

Shoulder press:

EMOM for 7 minutes: 1 low hang snatch (3 second pause) + 1 vertical hi hang snatch/ heavy as possible

1 min Max Effort muscle ups
3 Rounds for Time:
5 wall walks
50 double unders
5 push jerks 155/105
rest 1 min
1 min Max Effort muscle ups

10:58 working time
Low back squat three sets of five

50 double unders

3 rounds
15 deadlift @225
15 hands up push ups
15 abmat sit ups

100 double unders

5x3 Hi Hang Clean + 1 Push Jerk
5x4 Pendelay Row with same weight as clean

For time:
800m Run
50 situps
25 Pushups
400m run
50 situos
25 pushups
800m run
Bench press 10-8-6-4-2

5 10 meter banded sprints -with partner holding band.

For time:
3 rds

100m run
20kb swings at 53 lbs
50 Double Unders
10 front squats 115 lbs
Fight Gone Bad

3 rounds 1 min max effort each exercise, 1 minute rest after each round. This one flat sucks.

Wall ball 20#
High Sumo Pull Deadlift 75#
Box Jumps 20 inch
Push Press 75#
Row Max Calories

Count total reps: 319. In January I did 249.
Bench Press: 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats
must finish each exercise prior to moving to the next

Every Minute on the Minute for 5 Min:

2 Snatches @ 80%
2 Min As Many Rounds As Possible:
Sntaches @ 80%

1 min Max Effort Ring Dips

4 Min As Many Rounds as Possible:
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Pullups
30 Double Unders

1 min max Effort: Ring Dips

4 Min As Many Rounds as Possible:
15 Overhead Squats 95/65
20 Pullups
30 Double Unders

1 Min Max Effort: Ring Dips

-work out didn't feel too bad, but after being home for about 30 minutes, my shoulders are freakin SMOKED!
Chelsea this morning. Never did it before..... and I survived with a smile. Been doing Crossfit for about 3 months and still trying to figure out if I like it or am addicted to it. Not really sure I like Crossfit for hunting training, but we will find out this fall.
You and I are in the same boat tstowater. I've been doing it for 6 months. I am thinking I will like it for hunting training. I know my body and conditioning pretty well and I'm in as good a shape as I've been since high school.

I think a lot of it has to do with your coach and his philosophy. I don't think I would like it if we did 6-10 minute work outs all the time. Ours has been a good mix of the high intensity training along with strength and endurance training. Most of the strength stuff revolves around core and leg training so I find it very applicable. I also don't have any workout partners so going to the gym every day by myself for the last three years was getting pretty old and routine. I like the variety.

How many rounds did you get?
Throw in some sport specific training, hiking with a weighted pack and shooting, and as long as the programming has a good mix of high intensity, endurance and strength training it'll serve you well like Jmez said.

Today was:

Cleans 5x4 at about 70% of 1rm.

For time:
800m run

3 rounds of:
1 Leg less rope climb
5 hang power snatch
20 wall ball to shoulder
50 foot burpee broad jump

800m run
50 box jumps
50 jumping pullups
50 KB swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press
50 back extensions
50 wall balls
50 burpees
50 double unders


25-Pushups with 56# pack
14-Flights of Stairs (skipping steps) with pack
15-Deep Squats at every other flight with pack
15-Curls (each arm)
15-Overhead Skull Crushers
15-Over/Around Head
15-Kettlebell Swings
50-Single Arm Clean and Press (each arm)
15-Single Military Presses
15-Single Bent Over Row
50-Box Jumps
25-Pushups with pack

1:10 and yes, it sucked. I am pretty sure though that I couldn't hang with you guys.
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You and I are in the same boat tstowater. I've been doing it for 6 months. I am thinking I will like it for hunting training. I know my body and conditioning pretty well and I'm in as good a shape as I've been since high school.

I think a lot of it has to do with your coach and his philosophy. I don't think I would like it if we did 6-10 minute work outs all the time. Ours has been a good mix of the high intensity training along with strength and endurance training. Most of the strength stuff revolves around core and leg training so I find it very applicable. I also don't have any workout partners so going to the gym every day by myself for the last three years was getting pretty old and routine. I like the variety.

How many rounds did you get?

We did a full 30 minutes. EMOM. It didn't seem bad on Friday, Saturday was worse and yesterday sucked. I'm ready to go tomorrow. We have had a full compliment of variety. Some shorter WODs and some longer ones. The focus is more upper body than I would personal prefer, but I can use some of that too. Still lots of variety that I find good. I am doing other things besides CrossFit and will be ramping those up shortly.

This year's hunting trips probably won't be much of a test, but I am on track to go to New Zealand next year and that will be more of a test. Chamois and Tahr are on my hit list so conditioning will be important.

Thanks for the input from you and mohawk32.