
7 x 2 position snatch (heaviest possible)
Good Mornings: 3x10

For time:

30 Push press 115/75
30 Over the Box jumps 24 in
30 Pull ups
30 Hand Stand Push Ups
7x1 Hi Hang Snatch every 60 seconds (Heaviest Possible)

4 rounds for time

15 Power Snatches 75lbs
10 strict pullups
15 Burpees

Front squat (heavy, but perfect)

4 rounds:
40 seconds Max Effort wall walks
20 second rest
40 seconds Max Effort Ring Dips
20 seconds rest
40 seconds Max Effort Power Clean 155/105
20 seconds rest
Not sure if posted yet but a good one!!!
10 rounds- 5 pull ups, 5 push-ups.
5rounds- 10 back extension, 10 ghds
2 rounds -25 wall ball, 25 box jumps.
You can rest in between the 10,5,2 switch as needed. Do all ten rounds. Then the 5. Then the 2. Wake up two days later thinking what did I do to my lats!
Find 1 rep max clean and jerk

"Death by Thrusters"

Start with 1 thruster, each minute add another until you can no longer complete them within the minute.

14 + 5
This was a grinder.

For time:

1000m row
800m run
30 wall balls 20/14
30 walking lunges heavy as possible 15 each leg
30 box jumps 24 inch box
30 toes to bar
60 double under(180 singles)
1000m row.

The CF Total

Back Squat 1rm: 335
Overhead Press: 145
Deadlift: 390

Total: 870.

Up 50 pounds in 3 months.

3 rounds for time

Run 400m
21 KBS 53#
12 Pullups


Cash out
2 rounds
20 Superman
20 Single leg hip thrust
20 Jane Fonda complex each leg
1 mile run time trial

10 minute rest.

2x500m row. Max effort.

5 rounds:

20 sit-ups
20 Russian twists w/slam ball
Max effort pull-ups
Max effort push-ups
I guess? Don't know of any others.


Deadlift 3 reps 85% of max 10 minute EMOM

10 minute AMRAP

5 Power Clean @ 135#
5 Shoulder to overhead @ 135#
2 front over the bar burpees
Olympic lifting today. Heavy(relatively) single snatch and clean and jerk work.

Power snatched 95.
C&J 135.
Partner WOD today

3 Rounds

1000m row, switch every 250
50 Goblet squats 53#
10 tire flips
4 75m sled pulls, down and back. Down was downhill back was uphill
When not working hold a 25# med ball. If the ball touches the ground 10 burpees each penalty