
5x5 unbroken HiHang snatch, 75% max

3 rounds for total reps
1:00 Max Effort Kettlebell swings 32/24 kg
:30 rest
1:30 Max Effort Burpee Box Jumps
:30 rest
2:00 Max Effort double unders
:30 rest
Every Minute on Minute 5 deadlifts 80%-85% one rep max 10 minutes

5 rounds
5 split jerk 185#
10 burpees


This was tough
Back Squats
3@90% (to failure)

Good mornings

For time:
50 Burpees
20 Front Squats @ 70%
50 Burpees

That sucked....
Every minute on minute 8 minutes

Even 4 reps strict shoulder press
Odd 4 reps weighted strict pullups

For time:
50 double unders
50 situps
50 KB swings (53#)
Row 500m

40 double unders
40 situps
40 KB swings
Row 400m

30 double unders
30 sit ups
30 KB swings
Row 300m

20 double unders
20 sit ups
20 KB swings
Row 200m

10 double unders
10 sit ups
10 KB swings
Row 100m

Saturday 5-31:

In teams of 2:
50 cal row
50 24 inch Box jumps
50 deadlifts 165
50 wall balls
50 ring dips
50 wall balls
50 deadlift 165
50 box jumps
50 calories row

My partner had a minor back injury, so I picked up the slack and did all of the deadlifts, which wasn't too bad the first go around, the 2nd time got me, though.
I've been off this thead. My PT is about 3 scenarios I do once or twice a week. I just ran 4.5 miles with my bikini emr2 at 57.5# total. Sucked but it is done. Stuffing my fat face with chili now.
Sunday did a 3.5 mile hike with 52lbs

Strength: 5 sets of 3, 4 second squats. Take 4 seconds to get below parallel and then hold there for 4 seconds prior to coming up.

150m Farmer carry 140#
3 rounds
Shoulders to overhead @ 95#
20 box jumps
150m Farmer carry 140#


Went for a 1.5 mile hike last night with 52lbs

I swapped out the sit ups for 20 get ups instead in prep for Train To Hunt.

14 minute AMRAP

10 Alternating goblet lunges, 70#
15 Kettle bell swings, 70#
Row 20 calories, about 250m for me

5 rounds

Cash out
Tabata with plank hold and hollow rocks
This was a fun one....

1 mile run
60 Burpee Chin-ups
800m run
60 Jump Squats
600m run
60 Lunges
400m run
60 push-ups
200m run

43:30 minutes for me.....
EMOM 20 minutes

Odd: 10kb swings
Even: 30 double unders.

5 min rest.

EMOM 10 minutes
Odd: 10 wall balls
Even: 100m sprint


50 strict knees to chest
50 Russian twists.

That was a gasser.
5x4 back squat at 80% of 1rm
5x4 push press at 80% of 1rm

KB swings
Box jumps

800m run
50 sit-ups

Wall balls

400m run
50 toes to bar.

Took me 30 minutes. I was smoked at the end.
Back squats 5 sets 2 reps
Between each set of squats 10 over head lunges with 45# plate

3 rounds
30 double unders
15 push ups

rest 1min

3 rounds
30 double unders
12 ring dips

rest 1 min

3 rounds
30 double unders
9 handstand pushups
Front squats 5x3 at 70% 1RM

5 rounds of:

5 bear complex
10 chest to bar pull-ups
30 double unders

23 minutes.
Week 4 of Wendler strength cycle:

Shoulder press


30 snatches for time 135/95


Kind of a weird day because the strength cycle was very light and the met con was only 3 minutes long.

Find 1 rep max for Front squat

12 minutes as many rounds as possible
30 Wall ball @ 20#
15 Pull ups
7 Burpees

4 +11
Every minute on the minute 8 minutes
1 man complex 35#-45#
10 toe touch sit ups

3 rounds for time

Row 500m
12 Deadlift with your body weight
21 Box jumps
