
For Time: With a Partner (1:1)
20:00 Time Cap
100 KB Swings 53 lbs
50 Pull Ups
100 Single Arm KB Overhead Lunge Steps 53 lbs
50 Pull Ups
100 KB Goblet Squats 53 lbs
50 Pull Ups
100 KB Swings 53 lbs

Ended up 2 reps short of finishing at the 20:00 time cap
^ that's a lot of pullups Sir!

4.5 miles with a 60 lb pack, Tiny refused to carry a pack :D
2 rounds w/#50 sb
20 box step overs
400m run
Shoot 1 arrow 30 yds
10 grnd to shoulder over box
400 m
10 burpee over box (no weight)
10 get ups over box

1 mile w/#50 pack

Almost call turkey in to kill but just a bit out of range

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6.5 miles with my wife and Tiny E; wife was getting crabby as there was a fair amount of post holing to begin with. Tiny E wasn't complaining, later he found a scapula from a mule deer fawn that still had some fresh meat on it :D

143 floors on the stair Matrix in 30 minutes.

5 sets of dumbbell incline bench press

3 sets of dumbbell flat bench

5 sets of stiff legged dead lifts

Not as impressive as a lot of your guys routines, but progress nonetheless.
Every :45 x 12 Rounds, Alternating
- 10 deadlifts @ 185 lbs
- 10 (5/5) single arm push press, 50 lb Dumbbell

For time:
40 cal bike
400m run
20 Cal Row
Wendler week 17: squats 5/5/5+(8)/10@ 70%, bench 5/5/5+(7)/10@ 70%, pullups 3x11, dips 3x35, core
Been busy the last week haven’t been keeping up my posts but I’ve been alternating my two quick go to workouts.
1st one is simple and sinister:
100 1 hand KB swings
10 TGU
2nd one is one I found from Pavel and Dan John
2x5 DL
2x5 press
2x5 weighted pull ups
1 big set of 2 hand Kb swings 25-50 reps
1 set of ab wheel

Got 2 of each done in the last week or so.
2 rounds, 35 min time cap

400m run
26 hand release push-ups
400m run
26 kbs 53#
400m run
26 abmat sit ups
400m run
26 deadlift 75#
400m run
26 air squats
400m run
26 box jumps

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A) Work to a heavy 2-rep Clean and Jerk, dropping bar between reps

B) 12 Minute AMRAP
1 Squat Clean & Jerk, 80% of A
10 Wall Balls
1 Squat Clean & Jerk, 80% of A
10 Toes to Bar
157 floors on the stair Matrix in 30 minutes (1746 floors this month) (28,254 floors left to reach my goal)
5 sets of dumbbell military press
4 sets of lateral shoulder raises
5 sets of Goblet squats
3 sets of front shoulder raises
4 miles on the trails with Tiny- much to my surprise the trails are actually starting to clear and dry :) we made good time, might have been the quickest we've covered that loop!
How have I kept missing this thread!?!

Was a bit rushed today
100 cal row
Squat cleans 8x @ 135, 6 @ 155, 4 @ 175, 2 @ 195
Walking lunges 4 sets of 20, 50lb dumbells, with decreasing time breaks between sets
Saturday 4/14/18
DB Bench Press 3 sets
Pull-ups 3 sets

Lateral DB raise 3 sets
Barbell Row 4 sets

Curls and tricep work to finish out.

Wednesday 4/18/18

2.5mile trail run with the pup.
Killin us lately

Dead lifts 1x5 3 sec pause at shin first 2 reps then -10% 2x5 no pause

100 dubs
50 wall ball #20
40 db snatch #50
30 t2b
20 handstand pushup
10 burpees
Rest 5 min repeat 30 min cap

did RX , 1 rd and up to snatches on second round before cap

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175 floors in 35 minutes on the stair Matrix. (1921 floors this month)
5 sets of stiff legged dead lifts
5 sets of lawnmower rows
5 sets of bicep curls

Last night got another 2.85 miles in 45:00 on the elliptical after work
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
25:00 EMOM: alt min

- 1 Minute 15 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
- 1 Minute 5 burpee over the bar, AMRAP 115 LB Push Press
- 1 Minute 15 Cal Row/Ski/Bike
- 1 Minute 5 Burpee over the barbell, AMPRAP 30 LB Slam Balls
- 1 Minute rest

Rotated between the 3 machines for every 1 minute session of calories...