
50 cal assault bike
Deadlifts, 12x @155, 10x @205, 8x @ 245, 6x @ 265, 4x @ 285
GHD situps 50 w/ 10 lb medicine ball, these killed me, was looking through an oxygen deprived pinhole after
50 wall balls
164 floors in 32 minutes (2085 floors this month)
6 sets of dumbbell bench press
5 sets of dumbbell flys
5 sets of triceps (various angles)

Did another 2.81 miles on the elliptical after work. (22.97 miles this month)
4 rounds for Time:

400m run
​​​​​​​9 Clapping Push Ups
7 bar muscle ups
5 dball over the shoulder, 100 lb dball
150ft bear hug walk, 100 lb dball
I was AWOL yesterday, but have a good excuse- I went to the local sporting goods store and picked up a Glock 43 (I had a 42 when they first came out- loved the handgun, didn't love the .380 and ended up selling it) :D

This evening Tiny E and I got 4.5 miles in on mostly snow/ice free trails.
4 rounds for Time:

400m run
​​​​​​​9 Clapping Push Ups
7 bar muscle ups
5 dball over the shoulder, 100 lb dball
150ft bear hug walk, 100 lb dball

Damn, now I kinda feel like a slouch for doing running intervals.
Min 0-5 establish 3rm overhead squat
Min 5-10 2rm snatch balance
Min 10-15 1rm hang snatch
Min 15-20 1 rm snatch

9 min amrap
2 pull ups
2 power snatch #95
4 pull ups
4 power snatch
Add 2 per set for 9 min

1 mile run

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For time
10 power clean 155#
50 air squats
10 front squats 155#
50 air squats
50 push jerk 155#
50 air squats
50 clusters (squat clean thruster) 155#
2 miles jog (first time in years I went for a jog/run)
5 sets of wide grip pull downs
5 sets of narrow grip cable rows
4 sets of wide grip cable rows
3 sets of triceps
2.16 miles on the elliptical last night after work (25.13 miles this month)
Friday 4/20/18

Sumo Deadlift 5-5-5+
Upright Row 3 sets

Ring Row 3 sets
Push-ups 3 sets

Db curls 2 sets
Tricep pull downs 2 sets
4 Rounds for Time:

12 Power Snatches, 95 lbs
150M Run
12 Thrusters, 95 lbs
150m Run
90 second rest
Front squats 1x 3 3 sec pause first rep
-10% for 1x3
1x max reps

10 min emom
100 m
4 burpee
Max wall balls

1 mile run vested

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11.5 miles this morning; I almost clipped my microspikes to my pack- really wish I would have, had some really bad stretches of ice- everything I could do just to stay upright!
2 mile trail run

Shoot ton of arrows

5 sets of stairs w/#50 pack

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hit the gym this morning- Wendler week 17 dead lifts 5/5/5+, overhead press 5/5/5+, chinups 3x13, core- skipped lunges as my 11-ish miles yesterday seemed to work pretty well as is :D
4.5 miles on the trails with my Tiny E- gorgeous spring day here- upper 50's, feels like summer :4:

7 Minute EMOM: Front Squats, 4 reps @ 75% 1RM

For Time: 100 Wall Balls for Time, 30 lb ball to 10' target
Every time you break/drop the ball, 1 rope climb