
Back squat 1x10@260 then 2x10@245

Grace @ 2:42

10 min amrap
Even min: 6 burpee box jumps
Odd min :Max rep T2B

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Well, I'm back after a few days off. Turns out I never really got rid of the sinus infection so I'm back on antibiotics again and turkey season gets in the way from time to time.

Tuesday 4/10/18

Back Squat 3x5
Upright DB Row 3x8

With 50lb DB's
-10 Shoulder press (not alternating)
-10 Box step ups 20" box
-10 Burpee Deadlifts
a break from that damn 45 lb pack today :4:

Wendler week 16: de-load week squats 5/5/5 @ 75%, bench 5/5/5 @ 75%- I decided to make it more difficult with a 3 second pause at the bottom for both squats and bench and I'm here to tell you it indeed made it more difficult! pullups 3x12, dips 3x35, core- my vest hasn't come in yet, curious how much it's going to cut me back on pullups/dips- guessing quite a bit????
21 Cal row
21 Sit-ups
21 Front Squats 135#
4 Min Rest
4 Min AmRAP
15 Cal Row
15 Sit-ups
15 Front Squats 145#
4 Min Rest
9 Cal Row
9 Sit-ups
9 Front Squats 155
Deads 1x5 with 3 sec pause mid shin then -10% for 2x5

DB hang clean and jerk
Burpee plate jump

1 mile run #20 vest

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2:30 on 2:30 off x 3
15 Ring Push Ups
15 Slam Balls, 30 lbs
15 GHD Sit ups
AMRAP Cal Bike
Immediately into...
2:30 on 2:30 off X 3
15 dumbbell deadlift, 2 x 50 lbs
15 box jump, 24"
15 Sit ups
AMRAP Shuttle Run, 50'
3 rounds

50 double unders
15 Axle bar clean and jerk 125#
50 double unders
15 GHD sit ups
50 double unders
15 deadlift 225#
50 double unders
15 chest 2 bar pull ups
date night in Montana :D wife, Tiny E and I got 3-ish miles in this evening- about 5" of new snow and we found about 2' of old snow on this trail (I did treat my wife to a nice Thai meal afterwards :))


Clean complex 12 min emom

min 1-6
Clean pull + hang power clean + clean and jerk

Min 7-12 build to heavy clean and jerk

2 rounds
15 box jumps
21 wall balls

1 mile vested

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BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 12x2 (mini or micro+55%)

Barbell Bent Over Row - 1x40

Strict Pull Ups - Max Wide, Max Medium, Max Narrow

Lat Press Down - 3min (band)

DB Pronated Grip Reverse Fly - 3min

All 4 Grips Lat Pull Down - 2x (10x10x10x10)

"3 Rounds
Max Ring Muscle Up (I used/practiced Bar)
500m row
2min rest"

"Double Tabata
SkiiErg (20sec on, 10sec off ,16 Rounds)"
119 floors on the stair matrix in 26:00 (580 floors this week)

5 x 10 stiff legged dead lifts

5 x 10 goblet squats

5 x 12 dumbell incline benchpress