
Partner Workout Today...

For Time:
100 Calorie Assault Bike
15 D-Ball Cleans Over the Shoulder, 100 Lbs
60 Alternating Jumping Lunges
15 D-Ball Cleans Over the Shoulder, 100 Lbs
100 Calorie Row
Tiny Elvis and I got 4.5 miles in on snow packed trails; looks very similar to December, but Tiny E doesn't mind :4:


200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
27 wall balls
27 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
21 wall balls
21 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
15 wall balls
15 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
9 wall balls
9 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 12x2 (mini or micro+50%)

Barbell Bent Over Row - 3x (5x5x5x5 drop sets)

Weighted Pull Ups - 5x5 (3sec negative) <-- Felt like garbage today so i just did bodyweight and 3 sets...

Lat Press Down - 3x15

DB Pronated Reverse Fly - 3x12

"4 Rounds
20 Ring Dips
20 Push Ups"

Did the Dips/PU with a slingshot, very sore at the end of this week!
Paused front squats 1x3 rep max with 3 sec pause first rep then -10% for 1x3 and 1xmax reps

Then 2 rds
400m run
12 push press #115
12 pull ups

Rest 5 min then 2 more rds

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Every 40 seconds for 12 rounds....1 Squat Snatch. Started at 60%, added weight every round to work to a heavy 1 rep

For Time:
9 - 15 - 21

Power Snatch, 95 lbs
Wall Balls
Box Jump Overs, 24"
4.5 miles with Tiny Elvis- 8-10" of new snow meant breaking out the little snowshoes


Wendler week 15: deadlifts 5/3/1+(5)/10@70% 1RM, overhead press 5/3/1+(3)/10@70% 1RM, weighted lunges 3x50 yards, chin-ups 3x12, core
AMRAP 20 min
50 ft kettle bell farmer carry
10 push ups
10 dumbbell snatches
10 sit ups

3 mile ruck run 55 lbs

100 burpees 7 min

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got in 4 miles with some good gain w/ Tiny Elvis, trying out my new Mystery Ranch Pop Up- starting with 30 lbs of sand (probably 45 lbs all in for the pack/water/gear) and will work my way up

I gave Tiny E a chance to try it out, he passed :D

Sumo Deadlift- 1RM (light)

Sumo Deadlift - 3RM (dead stop reps)

DB Walking Lunges- 3min (farmer carry or on shoulders)

Belt Walk - 8min

Quad Fall Outs- 6min

"3 Rounds
Max effort butterfly pull ups
2min rest
Max effort C2B"
10 Minute EMOM:
Back Squat, 3 reps @ 80% 1RM

2 Rounds For Time:
40 Jumping Air Squats
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50 Lbs
20 Alternating Dumbbell Hanging Squat Cleans, 50 Lbs
10 Burpees over the Dumbbell
250M Run