For Time:
100 Calorie Assault Bike
15 D-Ball Cleans Over the Shoulder, 100 Lbs
60 Alternating Jumping Lunges
15 D-Ball Cleans Over the Shoulder, 100 Lbs
100 Calorie Row
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
27 wall balls
27 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
21 wall balls
21 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
15 wall balls
15 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
9 wall balls
9 box jumps
200m run, or 250m row, or 14 cal assault bike
got in 4 miles with some good gain w/ Tiny Elvis, trying out my new Mystery Ranch Pop Up- starting with 30 lbs of sand (probably 45 lbs all in for the pack/water/gear) and will work my way up