
3 man partner WOD, break up reps however you want

50 push press 135#
50 push press 155#
AMRAP push press 185#

3 min rest

50 squats 155#
50 sqauts 185#
AMRAP squats 225#

3 min rest

7 mins
50 hang cleans 135#
50 hang cleans 155#
AMRAP hang cleans 185#

Score is total number of the reps of each after the two rounds of 50 are completed.
1RM Sumo Deadlift (I hate Pulling Sumo!)

400m Run for time

1 Mile Run for time

The mile was real fun, about 20° this morning when we ran. All of our eyes and fingers were toast! lol
Barbell Back-Rack Lunges: 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 10 Working to a heavy 10 rep set (5 each side)

8 Minute AMRAP:
8 Pull-ups
8 Push Press, 95 lbs
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, 95 lbs
Tiny E and I got 4.5 miles in this evening; drastic difference between south and north facing slopes and a happy Tiny E!


1 RM OHS <-- I am NOT good at these, lol

Static Hold in GHD for :30-50 with various weights.
Revers Hyper (couple sets of 30)

ROMwod has become a daily routine as well.
4 Rounds for Time:

500M Row
15 Box Jumps 24"
3 Hang Squat Cleans (Unbroken) Add weight each round, working to a heavy 3 rep
1 Minute Rest
2.5 miles with Tiny E- crazy weather, it dropped 20 degrees (55 to 35) in the 45 minutes we were out!
appears I'm back in the swing :) Wendler week 14: overhead presses 3/3/3+(6), deadlifts 3/3/3+(7), I also added a "first set last" on the end of each, 75% of 1RM X 10 reps, chins 3x13 and 3x50 yards of weighted lunges- felt great

going to try and sneak out with Tiny E this afternoon to hit the trails- a little bit of shock this morning 12 degrees and 2" of snow (and still snowing)
Morning run at the beach , been beach and hiking cardio since Thursday
glass beach in Fort Bragg

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Jesus WOD
14 Rounds for time
Barbell never hits the ground except for between round 3, 7, and 9 to do Turkish get ups.
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat Cleans
10 Push Press
50ft of backward walking lunges with barbell on your back
Between round 3, 7 and 9 you do 7 Turkish get ups
Work out represents the 14 stations of the Cross and the 3 times Jesus fell.
Tiny Elvis and I got in 8 miles this afternoon, temps never made it out of the teens- my thought is you shouldn't have ice in your mustache on the last day of March and Tiny E thought he was done with his down jacket!


Happy Easter everyone!

Tiny Elvis and I went to the top of Mt Helena this afternoon, took the steep way up and a longer loop back for 4 miles.

134 miles for the month of March, 81 for Tiny E
1 RM Front Squat with 50# chains
3 RM Front Squat
1 Rep Front Squat Reverse Mini Bands

3x12 Reverse Lunges from a Back Rack

Belt Walk (2 sets of 3 minutes)

GHD Sit-ups
Toes-To-Bar Sets of 10, accumulate 100 reps (i didnt quite accumulate 100)

Quad Fall Outs (4 Minutes)

rest 1:00
40 cal
rest 1:00
30 cal
rest :30
20 cal
rest :30
10 cal

Short ROMwod
Three rounds for time

20kg KB swings x 20
pushups x 20
20kg KB goblet squats x 20
30lb DB bentover rows x 20
back extensions x 20
yoga ball crunches x 20
Time to get back to a consistent routine.

Monday 4/2

Back squat 3x5

400m run
21 KBS 55lbs
21 push-ups
400m run
15 KBS
15 push-ups
400m run
9 push-ups