3 man partner WOD, break up reps however you want
50 push press 135#
50 push press 155#
AMRAP push press 185#
3 min rest
50 squats 155#
50 sqauts 185#
AMRAP squats 225#
3 min rest
7 mins
50 hang cleans 135#
50 hang cleans 155#
AMRAP hang cleans 185#
Score is total number of the reps of each after the two rounds of 50 are completed.
50 push press 135#
50 push press 155#
AMRAP push press 185#
3 min rest
50 squats 155#
50 sqauts 185#
AMRAP squats 225#
3 min rest
7 mins
50 hang cleans 135#
50 hang cleans 155#
AMRAP hang cleans 185#
Score is total number of the reps of each after the two rounds of 50 are completed.