
2 Rounds for Time:

30 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 2 x 50 LB
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
120 Double-unders

1 Minute Rest

For Time:
30 Burpees over dumbbell
BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 1RM (monster)
BTN Snatch Grip Strict Press - 3RM

Ring Dips - 3x5, then 2x5 w/ slingshot
Lateral Raises - 3x12
DB Tate Press - 3x (10x10x10 drop sets)

Rice Grab Complex - 3x (30x30x30x30)

HSPU - 3x 2min on 2min off (close grip, strict and shorten the range of motion each set)
Back squats 70% of 1 rep for 1x10
Then -10% for 2x10

7 min amrap
7 burpee
7 db thrusters #50
7 box jumps

4 rds
20 plate twists
10 T2B

Mile run

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Tuesday 4/3/18

KB Row- 3 sets

Plank- 3 sets of 1 min

Row Cals
Power Snatch 95lbs

Despite all of the Easter fixins, weight is at 211 this morning.
20 minute EMOM, Alternating between...

15 Calorie Row
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 T2B
3 Squat Clean Thrusters, 70% 1 RM

I was only able to complete 15 HSPU on the 1st round, ended up between 8-12 every other round
4 min AMRAP
21 cal assault bike
21 Toes 2 bar
15 front squat 115#

4 min rest

4 min AMRAP
18 cal assault bike cal
18 Toes 2 bar
12 front squats 135#

4 min rest

4 min AMRAP
15 cal assault bike
15 Toes 2 bar
9 front squats 155#
was going to hit the trails yesterday evening, but 19 degrees and a steady 15 mph wind changed my mind

Wendler week 15: squats 5/3/1+ (3)/10 reps @ 75%, bench 5/3/1+(3)/10 reps @ 75%, pullups 3x11, dipos 3x30, core
Find a 5-rep max Push Press

12 Minute AMRAP:
250M Run
10 Front Squats, 95 lbs
10 Push Press, 95 lbs
some good work gentlemen!

4 miles for Tiny E and I- a little snow, a little ice, a little mud and even a little dry ground :)
anyone use a weighted vest? I'm getting to the point on dips and pull/chin-ups that I think one would be beneficial. I'm thinking it might be nice for jump boxes and hill repeats too.

I'm thinking 20-ish #'s should be plenty and would want enough adjustment in the vest to snug it up so it isn't bouncing - any recommendations?

30 minutes incline treadmill with 50 lb weight vest and 8 lb sledge hammer.

Mtwarden I’ll check what brand mine is. It’s good quality but it kinda binds up above shoulders for pull ups. I can’t do very many with 50 lbs on. 20 would probably be better. Honestly if it’s just for dips and pull-ups I’d probably rather have the belt that you can hang weight on. Just my opinion. I use the vest for treadmill in my garage to save wear and tear and sweat on my pack but use weighted pack outside because i feel like it looks less weird to walk around in public with a pack on than a black tactical looking vest.
Work to heavy set 5 deadlift

12 min AMRAP
6 strict handstand push-ups
9 deadlift 225#
30 double unders

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anyone use a weighted vest? I'm getting to the point on dips and pull/chin-ups that I think one would be beneficial. I'm thinking it might be nice for jump boxes and hill repeats too.

I'm thinking 20-ish #'s should be plenty and would want enough adjustment in the vest to snug it up so it isn't bouncing - any recommendations?


Ive used them alot we have the 5:11 and HumanX, i prefer the humanX.

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Box Front Squat - 12x2 (50%+monster or mini + 12" Box)

Sumo Deadlift - 8x1 (50% + double mini)

Glute Ham Raise - 5x3

Reverse Hyper - 3x20 (controlled reps, no swing)

Seated Box Jump - 1RM (ankle weights on, sit on 12" Box, 10 jumps total)

"5 Rounds
20sec max cal row
1min rest"

Static Holds in GHD with 45# Plate
thanks Gents- found a 20 # HumanX for $75 w/ free shipping, reviews looked solid - so will give it a try