
2.5 miles with Tiny Elvis, snow was soft so going uphill is a little on the difficult side
a brisk 15.5 mile run, mid 20's but the trails were nice and frozen, preferred over deep soft snow/slush

someone was in the Easter Spirit :)

20 Dead lift #275
400m run
20 kb swings #53
400m run
20 OH squats #135
400m run
20 burpee
400m run
20 pull ups
400m run
20 box jumps 24”
400m run
20 squat cleans #135
400m run

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Did my best version of mtwarden over a long weekend.

Went hiking/camping on the foothills trail:
Thursday- 11 miles
Friday- 17.3 miles
Saturday- 18.5 miles to finish

Pack weight was 31lbs without water at the start.
1 Power Clean + 3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk:
1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 Work to a heavy 1 rep

For Time:
30 calorie assault bike
30 push jerks, 135 lbs
30 calorie row
5.5 miles on a wide variety of trail conditions- hard snow packed, soft snow/slush, glare ice, mud and much to my surprise a few patches of dry trail! :D
Today started deload

Back squat 1x5@40%, 1x4@50%, 1x3@65%, 1x2@75%

3rds , rounds start every 8 min
400m run
10 db alt hang clean n jerk #50
10 over head plate lunge (each leg)
10 burpee
10 t2b

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5 Rounds for max reps...

1 Minute Wall balls (20 lb/10')
15 second rest
1 Minute Shuttle Sprints, 30'
15 second rest
1 Minute Burpees
15 second rest

1 minute rest between rounds

Single Arm Dumbell Bent Over Row:
10 - 10 - 10 - 10
Wendler week 14: squats 3/3/3+, bench 3/3/3+, pullups 3x12, dips 3x30, core; I redeemed myself a little this go round- got 3 extra reps on each of my plus sets :)
Been out for a few weeks but been doing my best mtwarden in Mexico up and down the beach!!!!

Back to reality now......
500m row
20 TTB
Amrap 95# Push Press for score
4:00 rest
Nice job on the 18.4 and .5 guys those looked brutal. Mtwarden you inspired my beach work outs!
Cleans for 16 minutes
( starts every 4 min)
Min 1- 3 power cleans
Min 2- 2 hang squat cleans
Min 3 - 1 squat clean
Min 4 - rest
Pick a manageable non max weight

Then 10 min amrap
10 pushups
20 db snatch #50 alt arms
30 double unders

Run 1 mile

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Tiny Elvis is back home, we got 4 miles in this evening on very mixed trails (snow/ice/mud/dry)